Ligatures Cracked ligature

The 2-screw metal lig that came with my 2nd hand YAS-25 and 4C mpc has lost its lacquer, is badly corroded and has now cracked on either side of the bottom screw.

Recently my practicing has become squeakier than usual (5 weeks' beginner) and over the past few days I noticed that the reed was slipping despite the lig being tight.

Ordered and received (from Dawkes on eBay) a new genuine Yamaha 2-screw metal lig and the squeaks have gone, mostly! At least I know these are my squeaks and not the horn's.

I could swear it also sounds better overall. Perhaps my embouchure is developing?!

I could swear it also sounds better overall. Perhaps my embouchure is developing?
Well, two things have/are happen/ed/ing

No 1

Your ligature now does its job, because it is not falling apart

No 2

Your embouchure is developing, because you're practicing

Congrats on both counts

And keep up No 2

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