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Beginner counting terms


Well-Known Member
Frankston Victoria Australia
Hi guys and gals
Im having difficulty counting in 2/4 bars

Ive got a tune that i need to count 8 beats in a few bars
counting 1+++2+++ doesnt do it for me

I can count some music by mentaly thinking 1&2&3&4& etc
but im not working with a 4/4 signiture

some people count by 1&+ 2&+
Thats not enough counts for this piece

What terms can I mentally think count 8 notes in a 2/4 time
A teenager in band rehearsal said to me one day: " remember subdivision is your friend" it took me ages to work out what he meant....I eventually realised that the word "subdivision" has 4 equal syllables, but I was originally taught the "one eee and aaa, two eee and aaa" as suggested above.
For me, the only way to get a tricky rhythm is to play it really s-l-o-w-l-y. Slow enough to put your metronome on 8 in a bar (or more if necessary) and count ONE-two-three-four-TWO-two-three-four (how come you can't capitalise numerals?). Then, when you've really got the sound of the rhythm in your head, you can speed up and count four in a bar, and eventually two (or one depending how fast you want to go). Unless you're talking about sight reading, in which case just ignore me.
Oh the joys of text and not the spoken word yet again.>:) Keep the 'a' as short as possible..I was taught this over 30 yrs ago..


Keep the a short, keep the a short, keep the a short...yep that works too.
I don't count crochets or anything less. Also, I never count any beat on which I commence a note, so I would play that pattern without counting anything at all. I play runs of semi quavers to sound like didi didi.

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So now I've got to count, as well as remembering which keys to twiddle, as well as remembering when to breathe in and when to blow out?

That's multitasking, I'm not very good at multitasking...
And yet you maintain body temperature, breathe in and out and keep your heart beating while blinking, sweating and digesting your lunch. No need for multi tasking. Figure out how it goes and play it like that. :sax:

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