Corton dating help

Thanks for that. I can't get my hands on it yet but am interested in buying it as a back up. I think I'll be buying it if the price is right.
Most of the Corton I've seen were manufactoried in the 70's and they were also made by Amati. They rumour says that Corton saxes were also made in former East-Gemany (DDR) but I've never seen one. The Corton Deluxe was a Yangisawa stencil also from the 70's. Serial # on stencils can be "tricky"! Some follow the manufactor and other distributors/brandholder had thier own serial #.

Thanks Thomas. I currently own a corton badged Lafleur bought brand new in 1983. I am aware of the history of Corton and their various badges, stencil and current production. I'm looking at a specific alto that was bought new and never played. Just trying to date it. Don't know if it's a bargain or a booby prize lol. But I do like them.

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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