Beginner Cork and Mouthpiece Position

How often should I expect to have to change the cork on my Saxophone?

Is there a fairly easy way to get the mouthpiece to an "A 440" on the cork? (To put it another way: can I mark my cork for easily-found repeatability of position, for tuning?)

How often should I expect to have to change the cork on my Saxophone?
Every ten years or so. Depends how good it was in the first place and how much you abuse it.
By all means mark the cork with a tuning position but be aware that this will change with the temperature and will probably change as your embouchure develops.
I put a small mark on my cork. Gets me in the ball park quickly. Most of the time I don't need to re-adjust it when checking with a tuner. Mine is a year old and still in great shape. The cork does get a bit compressed after awhile. A little Teflon tape fixes any problems with fit. One thing I've found is the bore of different mp brands varies wildly. When I was at the music store trying mp's, one would near about fall off, the next one would have taken a mallet to get on the cork.
I put a small mark on my cork. Gets me in the ball park quickly. Most of the time I don't need to re-adjust it when checking with a tuner. Mine is a year old and still in great shape. The cork does get a bit compressed after awhile. A little Teflon tape fixes any problems with fit. One thing I've found is the bore of different mp brands varies wildly. When I was at the music store trying mp's, one would near about fall off, the next one would have taken a mallet to get on the cork.
If the cork gets compressed gentle steaming over a kettle will swell it.
One thing I've found is the bore of different mp brands varies wildly. When I was at the music store trying mp's, one would near about fall off, the next one would have taken a mallet to get on the cork.
That really irritates me too. It'd be nice if there was an agreed standard.
On cork longevity - the cork on my EX90 tenor is the same as when I bought it in 1992 and the cork on my SX90R alto is just beginning to break up after 15 years.
When the cork heats up, and gets wet from spittle (?) in the midst of a heated session of playing, will the mouthpiece move and need re-adjusting?

Once you're warmed up the mouthpiece shouldn't need adjusting. If the cork is doing its job properly the mouthpiece won't slip. At least, I don't remember it being a problem in the last 42 years.

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