Do you think you could post a picture of what happens?
Would copper saxes like the rapone and cazzani saxes oxidise?
I would do the same as Pete and polish it twice a year .
Hmmmmm, after over 25 years of having a sax that looks like crap, I can`t say I`m in the least into this current craze of striving to make a new horn look like it was dredged out of the mersey and ones which come with a fake "Vintage" finish (like the Buffet 400`s most popular finish) just look tacky in the extreme to me . I`m enjoying having a nice shiny silver horn and if I had a RAW one with a high copper content like the various Bronze ones have, I would do the same as Pete and polish it twice a year .
I could, Yam82ZUL..raw brass well played since 2005..never cleaned (bar soaking out the moisture) but I won't cos you would sue me for's not nice..!!Do you think you could post a picture of what happens?
We (Sequoia) call them by the copper%: K91 or K85. Our yellow brass is 67% (by memory). My high copper necks just look more red and they develop a nice patina.Are the copper saxes high copper content brass or are they plated?