Mouthpieces Conn Precision alto


So, a friend lent me this mpc. Reviews call it junk…..BUT playing it back to back with my Yam 4c there is-no comparison….freer blowing better tones…..this is on my 1955 Buescher tt Crat… a beginner so i dont have the experience to no why….is it just magic of coincedence? You know….if it works great it is great sensibility?
The first thing on mouthpieces is that manufacturing them requires precision and It's difficult to make two identicals. So it is possible that one Conn Precision mouthpiece is good and another one not so.

The second thing is that there are a lot of differences between a Conn precision and a 4cYam. It is to you to find out wich differences are important for you.
It could be as simple as having a larger opening, you can test that with a 5cYam.
Mayby you work well with a completely open mouthpiece without internal restrictions. Test some others and look if this works.
It is unlikely that the material is important in this case.
The last possibility is that your mouthpiece is really a gem. Difficult to varify as all embouchures are different.

If you find a mouthpiece that works for you be happy and play it.
The Yamaha 4c is a great starter piece. They offer precise and consistent manufacture. They go from 3c to 7c.
C denotes chamber size. The higher the number the wider the tip opening.

Many start with one but few remain with them.

Mouthpieces need to fit your physiognomy. Don't confuse wide tip openings with progress.
Just like shoes, a good fit is paramount. Big shoes don't make for a faster runner, otherwise clowns would be breaking the sound barrier.
Mouthpiece fit depends on one's embouchure, everyone's is different. What receives a rave review by one may not suit another. If you like the 1955 Buescher, then it is right for you. May be an indicator that if buying anew, to look for another with similar properties (chamber size and shape, tip gap, length of opening, etc.)

Meanwhile, enjoy the Buescher. Some put a protector strip on the top side to mitigate teeth marks and erosion to extend the mouthpiece life.
The Yamaha 4c is a great starter piece. They offer precise and consistent manufacture. They go from 3c to 7c.
C denotes chamber size. The higher the number the wider the tip opening.

Many start with one but few remain with them.

Mouthpieces need to fit your physiognomy. Don't confuse wide tip openings with progress.
Just like shoes, a good fit is paramount. Big shoes don't make for a faster runner, otherwise clowns would be breaking the sound barrier.
The chamber on the conn is smaller than the 4c.... This surprised me as it feels like a mellower tone from the Conn.🤷 stuff tho...been looking at a Meyer 5 m...

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