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As I told you on fb Lorna, sounding wicked! BTW is that an Andy Shepard sax you have there? as it sounds just like Davey's!
that backing track is too short - you were really stretching out nicely and it came to an end too soon - shame!!!
beautiful tone..

lol! - no it was me - I hadn't really played it before other than a couple of run throughs a few months ago - just dived in and played it by ear! ;} Thanks re the tone 🙂
I like it! Nice tone! Are you playing a HR mpc?
I often play this song by Earl Hagen (Harlem Nocturne ...). We do it with a more Rock feeling. But you sounds better than me!
I like it! Nice tone! Are you playing a HR mpc?
I often play this song by Earl Hagen (Harlem Nocturne ...). We do it with a more Rock feeling. But you sounds better than me!

Aw thanks thomsax! yes it's an HR - Vandoren Java T55 with optimum Lig - I've had it since about May and I've really settled with it now and working hard on shaping my tone, the Yani has made a huge difference too :thumb:
Thanks Timbo, getting a bit more relaxed about it but I need to do it much much more so I don't panic when I hit that button lol 😀

That's brilliant, thanks Davey - my hard work must be paying off :mrcool

I can relate to the recording panic and freeze! It's hard to relax and let it happen!
Enjoyed the clip- really nice tone you have!
cheers - Rob

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