Accessories Comfy Shoes for Gigging

Hi all,
Just wondered if anyone had come across any particular shoes or brands of shoes which are better for those horrible gigs on which you have to stand for hours on end? I'm fed up of my feet hurting... 😡

No Fat45 gig is complete without...


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I'm going to throw my shame out there and admit to this, but as somebody struggling to walk at the moment and basically learning how to walk again and rebuilding musscle mass, I recently bought a pair of Clark shoes - these ones to be specific

Not their best looking or most expensive shoes on their site or in their store by any means but I live in hicksvile, and I swear it was thr best thing I ever did the amount, of foot support and back support you get out of them is amazing, it more than makes up for the lack of ankel support, and to be honest I haven;t really worried about twisting my ankels while I've been wearing them. My mother and grandfather buth always said that Clarks shoes where not only good shoes, but good for your feet and back, and now that I've bought a pair and actualy wear them I agree, they are worth every penny.

I wouldn't waste you're time going into one of their branches to buy shoes though, I would order them online, in our local branch every pair of shoes where in what at best could be described as second hand condition, every pair in the shop, even the stock kept out back had scuff and wear and tear marks as if they had been worn a lot, scuffed and kicked off and on.

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