Beginner Clear tune chromatic tuner

Hi I've download cleartune app have set transposition for Bb for tenor sax calibrated it for 440 Hz what do you set waveform for, I can't seem to get in tune using this. Am I setting it correctly. Thanks. Should I set calibration for concert pitch C and play D so should transposition be Bb
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Wot Kev says.

I have the same app, as well as a Korg tuner. If you set it to transpose to Bb then play C and it will show a C. If you set it to concert pitch (i.e. C) and you finger a C, it will show Bb.
Bb then play C and it will show a C. If you set it to concert pitch (i.e. C) and you finger a C, it will show Bb.

A more educative option.

I am inclined to agree with Aldevis. I would take the opportunity to start to learn the concert pitch equivalents of the saxophone notes, being able to transpose is a great asset. Either from concert pitch to read piano or vocal music, or transpose to concert pitch which helps communicating with other band members.
hi ive just got a yamaha 840 alto and i use the clear tune to tune it ,ive got a good ears as well as i am a pro muso [piano ] but to get this sa in tune i have to pull the mouthpeice a bit further out than my other saxophones is this a problem , it makes the mouthpeice slightly looser ?
There is no fixed rule for the position on the cork. Also your embouchure takes a while to adapt and not all mouthpieces have the same shank.
just an advice: bin the tuner for a couple of days and play in tune with your keyboard.
Corks compress and will go back to original size with a little heat. Steam from a little works well, but if you overdo it the cork may come unstuck. Ptfe tape suggested by Jeanette is great short term. But if steam doesn't help you'll need to get a new cork put on.

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