Chit Con Carne

Nice one Jimmy, you got more confident and more adventurous as the take went on.
I think this is Chitlins Con Carne by Kenny Burrell - hit me round the jowels with a wet lettuce if I'm wrong.
Basically a 12 bar in a minor key. Not really that easy to improvise on. Try listening to the original and any other versions that you can find but first off get the melody down and get the feel of the number.

My tip for the day would be to practice minor pentatonic scales in all keys and do a whole bunch of all kinds of exercises on those scales. Also have a look at blues scales and get those down in all keys. A couple of good notes that you could add to the minor pentatonic scale might be the flat 5 and the 9. They can be used as passing notes and used very effectively as leading notes into the chord changes.

Keep at it - hope to have helped - gruss - spike
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Since we have just had Chilli Con Carne thought I'd better listen.

Enjoyed it thanks


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