PPT mouthpieces

Mouthpieces Chinese metal mouthpieces

E-bay currently show Chinese manufactured metal mouthpieces which look well made and designed, and which seem to be based on well known American and Japanese brands. At £27, post free, they look worth trying, except that the given size range of 5 to 12 means little in terms of tip openings etc. Does anybody know more about these?:confused:
If they are anything like the Huastar or Sharkbite, then these are pretty decent mouthpieces.
Agreed. I've had a couple of Sharkbite ones, including one tenor 7 I bought to cut down to make a C Mel mouthpiece. I couldn't face doing that to an expensive mouthpiece. It actually played well as a tenor piece, and works very well 1.2cm shorter as a C Mel piece. At £27 it's worth a go. Even if you don't like it, you could probably flog it for £17-£20 on eBay, net loss a tenner.
Thanks chaps. I`ll certainly have a go, except I`m not sure which size to order, particularly as I haven`t played tenor for some years and have only just acquired an old YTS62. On Bari I play either a Yanigasawa 7 or 8, and on alto I play a Yani 7, so I`m guessing I`d be comfortably with a tip opening of around 105 on the tenor....similar, say, to an Otto Lin k 7*. Any ideas?
Hi Paul

I've just compared my one, which is a 6, with a Yanagisawa 7, and it was a smidge narrower. Based on this, I'd suggest going for a 7 or 8. I'd guess from my unscientific comparison with the Yani that a 7 is about a 0.100, and 8 about a 0.105. This is all assuming the ones you're looking at are actually the same as the Sharkbite, but having looked at eBay I think they are the one you've seen.

Just got mine and it seems to be unplayable due, I think, to exaggerated tip curve. I should keep well away as I think the ones presently on E Bay are not the models commended her.
Incidentally I`m a pretty experienced player (23 years!) and I`ve never blown a mouthpiece like this one. It might look like a Lawton....but that`s where the resemblance ends!
Slightly different from the model I bought at £27, a cross between a Link and a Lawton!. I think the real problem is in the lack of info. regarding technical sizes etc. I have persevered today with some careful cleaning and reed choice/setup- and made it work.....It`s not as bad as I feared. I apologise for yesterday`s post....very tired after a long journey and much too hasty. I hope the following compensates:
I did some testing today and the following info. may be of help to those looking for something cheap as a stop-gap. Windcraft sell an ebonite mouthpiece based on the 6* and 7* Otto Links. They blow easily and smoothly, very like the Link, and give a well focussed, warm, dark sound. Excellent value at around £30. However the real bargain has to be the Rico Royal `Graftonite`, available from the stringzone.com for around £14!!!! Another very easy blowing mouthpiece with a bright and focussed sound and a good response throughout the register. Fantastic for the price.
i have brought one of these, it is a Japanese made Selmer Replica
the only problem i have was they sent me a C7 rather than the c6 that i requested, and finding it quite difficult to play. but when i do get it to make a sound it does sound very crisp.
new huaster tenor mouthpiece ordered

Hi Chaps,

I have just ordered a Huastar tenor mouthpiece with facing #7 to replace the original mouthpiece that came with my Bauhaus M2 Tenor, hoping for a bit more body and projection so I can a bit "raunchy".

Will let you know what I think!
Well I recieved the Huastar yesterday. initial findings were that there was indeed more projection than the OE mouthpiece for the Bauhaus M2 tenor and it was easier to blow. Bottom nice and full sounding but top F# was hard to play and often squeaked, put this down to unfamiliarity with mouthpiece, as my jaws also ached! At this time I was using a 2 and a half Vandoren java reed. Sound also still very smooth not very raunchy!

Tried again today and jaws ached less but still finding top F# difficult, changed over to Rico V 3 and a half and suddelnly the top end is much easier and top F# is playable. Also got a bit more raunchy sound, though I think I have a natuarally smooth tone maybe due to playing with bottom lip over teeth.

Perhaps for the raunchy sound I would like I need something like a Dukoff D7 or similar.
Well I tried the Huaster with Rico Royal 3's and got a bit more 'character' from the mouthopiece although they may be just increasing familiarity as my emboucher (gob) adapts to the new piece. Also finding that the top end is now very clear and powerfull which gives the sound a bit lyricism which is what I think I initialling found not too overwhelming.

So far I think the mouthpiece is very good value and if funds are limited would thoroughly recommend it. I am still thinking of getting the PPT when I sell my old Dolnet alto, as I suspect it will still be more refined. But I still think I can get more out the Huaster with persistence.
final update on Huastar mouthpiece

Well I have now had the Huastar for just over 2 weeks now and am now pretty familiar with it. I must say I am very very pleased with this mouthpiece, I can now get the sound I am looking for. A bit of grunt when I need it, but also a lovely smoochy lush sound when I am in the mood. The only change I made since changing to Rico Royal 3's is to move the ligature further up the reed towards the tip, this had made the mouthpiece really sing with an authoritive top and bottom end.

So in conclusion I would thoroughly recommend the Huastar mouthpiece and the price is obvious added bonus!

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