Saxophones Cheap Tenor may interest someone (UK)


Well-Known Member
I thought that this Cheap Tenor may interest someone (UK), probably will need some servicing but at £105 (or offers) at Cashconverters, may be a good buy

Looks lke an Arta Guban to me - Romanian rather than czech . I was hoping it may have been a Keilwerth but the bell stay, pinkie table etc are wrong - it was the acrylic shirt guard which made me think twice but it deffo looks like a Guban to me, they have plastic shirt guards too .
Well that one is cheap enough .. I`ve got to focus on replacing my Jupiter 787 with another real MkVII so happily ignoring distractions like that ........ of course if it had been a Keilwerth (as hoped originally before spotting the bell brace and pinkies) , I`d have got it to make some cash on ..

My first was a B&M Champion around the same time, I`d even have a Stagg or Rosetti before one of those things again ! .
Yes it was me, gotta thank you for that Ads. I've been looking for a cheap Tenor to use while I finish off the final step in the adjustments I made to the Conn keywork.
BTW. I made them an offer of £90 which they accepted. 🙂
Fanstastic - the saving of £15 has offset their silly carriage charge and brought it down to what Interparcel would charge ......... I`d ask them to make sure the horn has some bubblewrap inside the case to stop it moving about and damaging the bell lip and stress strongly that it needs plenty of cushioning at the ends of the case for when the courier drops it .... given the chanvce, they`ll just send it as is with a sticker on the box and some black clingfilm arouund it ....
Good point Ads. Just called them and mentioned it. The young guy I spoke to was very nice and concerned, so alls well.
I was thinking along the same lines re. The postal costs. Hence the offer.
It`d be interesting to hear what you think of it., could be a Yank-Spanking hidden Gem (Though I doubt it`d spank a 10M) or at least a competant horn at a low price like the Amati made Cortons are .
It`d be interesting to hear what you think of it., could be a Yank-Spanking hidden Gem (Though I doubt it`d spank a 10M) or at least a competant horn at a low price like the Amati made Cortons are .

I'm hoping it plays out the box, or with a few adjustments I can do myself, so I can get on with finishing the Conn. But the MP looks very similar to a Pillinger Bronzite, but it's probably just the sulfur showing through on an old HR. Keep you posted.
The Vandoren Lig ought to be worth a bit and I doubt anyone would put one on a crappy piece so you never know - it won`t be pillinger that`s for sure but it could be anything from an old Brilhart to a very tatty selmer C*
Thanks and So am I 🙂 , the Piece ought to be interesting too .
Ads. Just to keep you posted, I rang them this morning as I haven't heard a peep since Monday . Anyway I was told it was dispatched this morning and will be with me on Monday. BTW . Let me know if you want some pics first or you'd prefer a surprise.
Suprise is fine, I`m sure the piece will be a laugh - I`ll disinfect it , bung it on the 62 and see what happens - my guess is that it`ll have a mega narrow gap and I`ll need a Vandoren 4 to be even able to play it ;-)
Sadly the days of Jumble sales are long gone (and along with them the chance of finding a tatty SBA Tenor poking out of an elephants foot brolly stand for a tenner) , they turned into car boot sales which ended up more as comedy shows (prices asked) than actual bargain prospects .

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