Saxophones Cheap but reasonable Soprano

Does anyone have experience or advice on Jericho sopranos, will be looking for a cheap soprano in near future as second sax (primary is alto ) never played one so reluctant to spend too much.
Not had experience of Jericho sops but have recently sold an "older" Fortissimo - older built ones very good as newer ones have a poor build quality - and bought a Roy Benson sop - excellent. Bought it brand new from eBay for £200. Bargain!
this is one area where my "No GAS" policy will be broken , a cheapo Sop and will be looking out for a "Fortissimo" on the pawn shop websites ........ there are plenty of SSOs there in Sopranos with names like "Conductor", "Winchester" and "Earlham" there but I actually want to play it . I`d rather a curved one as they`re different and supposed to sound more like an Alto in the higher register(and everyone around here who does, plays straight Sops)
My Fortissimo was about ten years old I believe and in exquisite order (not sure why I sold it!). The Roy Benson is as good and you may want to try some of their UK dealers to see what they have in stock. They are Taiwanese I believe and assembled in Germany. Solid and consistent. Both of the sops are curved. Good luck!
Thanks for the feedback I did read that the Roy Bensons are pretty good. Reason I asked about the Jericho is the alto gets a very good review by Steve Howard so wondered if the Sops are as good
The older curved FF sops were very very good! The newer ones are lighter and not as well made. I would not purchase a new one. Older ones were more consistent, better finish, quicker and more solid action and heavier (not that weight is an issue but they were more robust because of the build quality). Look for something else if buying new I would recommmend.
I`d guess finding an older Fortissimo is next to impossible via the internet as there`s no way of knowing if its the good version then, thanks . There`s always the known better makers of Chinese altos who make sopranos such as BW, TJ etc but not for bargain prices and how good ARE the sops.

I wonder how the Elkhart Series-IIs or the Jerichos hold up in Sop format . one thing about the Sop is that it`s something players of the bigger horns get an itch to try and often don`t keep up so mint barely used decent ones should pop up..

There`s a lovely Martin Handcraft on Fleabay but it`s way too much cash for a horn which needs a full overhaul and repad (which it does) ..

On a lighter note . there are a few beginner curved sops about on Amazon . the Bontempi at £8.95. the better quality Reig at £9.92 and a Silver Custom version of the Reig (think Yam 875 of this range) for a whopping £14 . there`s a Reig Pocoyo Sopranino as well .. Pic of these awesome horns below

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The Martin Tenor on eBay is way over priced, dented, no case, pitting, wrapped in a blanket for 20 years! Needs repad and service. That is £300 + dent + case before you start. Nice horns though! Elkhart sops hold their price. Could try on eBay Germany, France, Greece or whatever and take a chance?!
Just checked in and read this post. I have a John Packer rose brass curved sop that I got off eBay a year ago for £160. It was an absolute bargain and it is the most spot on sop I've ever had for intonation. Alternatively, the Elkhart ones are respectable and seem to hold a value. I've tried a Jericho alto last year and really liked the build and sound quality of it. My review is on here. If those are anything to go by then the sop is surely worth a try and with a money back guarantee it is reassuring 🙂
I had an older Borgani curved sop with a fixed neck. The sound was beautiful but the higher notes were near on impossible for me to achieve a decent sound. I also had an Orsi straight sop and the intonation was bad! My advice with sopranos is to steer clear of the older Italian and German (B&M, Berg larsen etc) ones. You might get a good one but for the same price you will get ease of playing and improved intonation on a newer horn. This is of course my opinion only and based on experience I've had with soprano sax! I don't find them easy to play
The martin I was looking at Prof was a Soprano and - wait for it - £600 !! and that`s after stating it`ll need a full overhaul ! ..

Thanks for the headsup on the JP & Elkhart, Saxgirl . the prob is that playable Sopranos are harder to make than altos hence the quest for those with experience of the cheapos .
Aaah the Martin sops are extremely sought after. That doesn't surprise me. Saxgirl said the Jerichco came with a money back guarantee.....that is worth a go.
Yeah but is far more than I want to pay for a "Tryout" - more like £150 for something like a used Roy benson, an Elkhart or the JP she mentioned sounds about right .
Why not take a chance! Send the money plus £11 delivery! I have only ever tried out one of my saxophones before I bought them!!!

Those bargains will pass you by..............
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Why not take a chance! Send the money plus £11 delivery! I have only ever tried out one of my saxophones before I bought them!!!

Those bargains will pass you by..............

Are the Elkharts reasonable quality I only ask because Steve reviewed an Alto on his site and didn't seem too impressed. I will be in the market for one in the not too distant future but with no experience of sops and limited budget am wary of buying a clunker

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