Just had an odd experience while practising. I was tootling away quite happily, occasionally struggling with the lowest notes, but that's not unusual for me. Then suddenly couldn't get a note out of the instrument. If I pushed it, I could make it squeak but that was all. I was playing one of my more challenging mouthpieces, so I switched to an easier one, but that was no better. I began to think one of my springs had come off, causing a huge leak, but couldn't find one. Then I tried a different reed - bingo!
The reed I'd been playing had suddenly turned to a useless piece of wood. No obvious splits or chips. I'm used to reeds either going soft very gradually with overuse or getting a knock and being split. I've never known one to fail suddenly for reasons that aren't visually obvious.
The reed I'd been playing had suddenly turned to a useless piece of wood. No obvious splits or chips. I'm used to reeds either going soft very gradually with overuse or getting a knock and being split. I've never known one to fail suddenly for reasons that aren't visually obvious.