Beginner Sax Cannonball vs. Yamaha.



I'm new to this forum (and to any type of forum) so there is a possibility that I'll sound stupid. Anyway, I think I'm in the intermediate level for playing alto and my parents gave me the gift of renting a saxophone for me. I still have to choose it from the store and the only brands they have are Yamaha, Cannonball, and Jupiter, all intermediate models. I don't really want a Jupiter since I haven't heard many good things about it. I have heard many good things about Cannonball and Yamaha, though, and I have a Yamaha clarinet which I really like. I just want to know hear any suggestions about whether I should get a Yamaha or Cannonball. All honest answers will be appreciated.

P.S. I have been playing for two years and I do take care of my instruments.
Play both. Pick whichever you're most comfortable with (sound, ease of playing, intonation etc.). If resale value is important and you can't decide between the yamaha and the canonball, pick the yamaha.
Both are excellent choices. Go with the one that appeals to you the most. I have the Cannonball Alcazar (student model) as a backup alto, and would not hesitate to play a gig or recital on it if my Selmer SBA were not available. Which models are available to you that you are calling "intermediate" saxophones?
Thanks, people! It turns out they didn't have any Yamahas, only Cannonball and Jupiter (and they weren't even intermediate models, just student), so I ended up getting the Cannonball Alcazar which I really like so far.
well ive only heard good things about the canonball but ive never played one
But Id like to try one ............Lucky you
By the way I have a yammy and its fine..... but ive never played anything else.
Good Luck
Both are excellent choices. Go with the one that appeals to you the most. I have the Cannonball Alcazar (student model) as a backup alto, and would not hesitate to play a gig or recital on it if my Selmer SBA were not available. Which models are available to you that you are calling "intermediate" saxophones?
Hi jbtsax - I'm thinking about a Cannonball alto, probably a GA5. I'm just wondering if I tried an Alcazar alto whether this would be close enough to help me decide (I presently have a Trevor James Horn revolution and am looking for a step up in projection/free blowing). Any opinions would be gratefully received.. Cheers Dave E
The Alcazar is designed as a student model entry level instrument. As such the keys are designed for slightly smaller hands. Mine produces an excellent tone, but I suspect it doesn't quite have the volume and projection of the GA5 when pushed. If that is the model you are looking to buy, I would suggest you play one before deciding.

I'm new to this forum (and to any type of forum) so there is a possibility that I'll sound stupid. Anyway, I think I'm in the intermediate level for playing alto and my parents gave me the gift of renting a saxophone for me. I still have to choose it from the store and the only brands they have are Yamaha, Cannonball, and Jupiter, all intermediate models. I don't really want a Jupiter since I haven't heard many good things about it. I have heard many good things about Cannonball and Yamaha, though, and I have a Yamaha clarinet which I really like. I just want to know hear any suggestions about whether I should get a Yamaha or Cannonball. All honest answers will be appreciated.

P.S. I have been playing for two years and I do take care of my instruments.
Hey man,
Both Cannonball and Yamaha are good sax companies. I play on a cannonball stone series 20th anniversary and I love it, as it has a great sound and plays easy. Choosing the best saxophone is heavily based on what you as a player look for. If you are a classical player mostly, getting a Yamaha s great choice, as it will give you a rich clear tone. but if you are more into bebop Jazz, I would recommend going with the cannonball, as it's big bell design will allow you to play with a bright tone that is amazing. Personally, I would go with a Cannonball big bell, either raven or stone series but really it depends on you and how you like the feel of the sax. I hope this helps you pick out a sax that is right for you!

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