Saxophones Calling the Prof - Pruple Martin spotted...


Oh... go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on....

I'm frantically searching for a Pruple Buffet now...


Believe it or not I have been in contact with this guy before!!! I currently have three bids outstanding for -

Martin Handcraft Tenor
Martin "The Martin"
Martin Indian tenor

But I do like what he does to vintage saxophones. He has a lot of other vintage horns beautifully coloured, re-pad, overhauled, polished and playing beautifully. If you believe that a silver horn gives better intonation, sound and clarity then this is not the way to go.

May make a bid next month.....................
I don't normally like coloured lacquer on saxes and I wouldn't normally approve of someone desecrating a Martin like that, but Wow!! That thing's amazing... the Buescher and Conn look good too.. what really raised my eyebrows was the 185 tip opening Berg Larsen tenor mouthpiece he's got for sale - I thought it was a typo until I looked at the pictures and saw the curvature of the facing and 185 2 SMS stamped on the shank... I didn't know Berg Larsen made howitzers...
I have to say that i personally are not a fan of what this guy is doing to vintage saxes but whatever they are his horns.
Its bad enough to to tart them up with colour but to put the tacky gem stone one the neck thats too much,as for the Berg i would have to have reeds made out of tissue paper to play that.
I don't normally like coloured lacquer on saxes and I wouldn't normally approve of someone desecrating a Martin like that, but Wow!! That thing's amazing... the Buescher and Conn look good too.. what really raised my eyebrows was the 185 tip opening Berg Larsen tenor mouthpiece he's got for sale - I thought it was a typo until I looked at the pictures and saw the curvature of the facing and 185 2 SMS stamped on the shank... I didn't know Berg Larsen made howitzers...

I can't see the links to the colour changing Conn, but I remember seeing a colour-changing Naked Lady where some of her vital statistics were no longer in 2 dimensions. Is that the same one? If not, I bet it was one of his.......
I can't see the links to the colour changing Conn, but I remember seeing a colour-changing Naked Lady where some of her vital statistics were no longer in 2 dimensions. Is that the same one? If not, I bet it was one of his.......
Thats one of his alright,instead of a 10M,it was more like a 36D
Sorry for lowering the tone LOL
Now I have to have her! The entertainment is great! Spoke to a pal tonight who is a great guitarist, builds recording studios, etc. He said that it should not change the intonation that much.......but he does believe that a silver nickel sax will sound better than a brass/gold lacquered sax/ I have asked him to email proof!

More to come!....

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