deadlink butterfly flatulence

Wade Cornell

Well-Known Member
New Zealand and Australia
67 playing years ...
I've been told that butterfly farts are the lightest thing on earth (not exactly a scientific statement). This piece is also fairly light, but hopefully not too smelly. Kind of sit-com(ish). Using my new/old Martin that (for me) has a wonderful resonant tone that I'm enjoying.

Guitar loop with sax improvisation (including a few hiccups).

Critical comments always welcome, and also looking to hear from other Martin owners about how they conceive of their tone, what mouthpieces they use, etc.

DeadAudiolink Removed
Worked second time....ackkkk computers......I am beginning to not like them any more

sounds like you had fun on that one....I thought the sax could have been a bit further up in the mix.
So light i floated into the kitchen.Good job again.Sounded like you had a little blow towards the end,ARGHHHHH i mean solo 🙂))
If a butterfly farts in a wood and there's no one there to hear it, does the resulting hurricane still smell?
I like, maybe you could build up a theme using both guitar and tenor sax in an arrangement, sounds more like improvising without a melody...a sequence of chords without a theme it's an improvising chart, not a tune
anyway I enjoyed it! good relaxed feel!
I find your music can be well positioned as a backdrop for journey's through various countrysides.
As the camera pans across cultures and settings. The mellowness of it would fit perfectly.

You guys have a knack for the scenery circuit....I hope that's not limiting what I'm referring to.
It's purely a subjective perspective....

Nice Wade....
Once again thanks all for your comments. Glad the butterfly fart stimulated some mirth. Mike's comments are what we hear a lot: sounds like background music for film/video. Hopefully that's always been thought of as positive although those who do that type of music seldom feature in the popular imagination as contributing much.

Fabrizio’s comments are 100% correct in that we don’t have a “tune” or arrangement, it’s just improvising without a formal structure. I take this in as a valid comment, but question the assumption that all improvisation should fit into a mainstream formulae.

I have enormous respect for the training and abilities (that I don’t possess) of those who play mainstream, but don’t wish to go there. Mainstream can be intellectually exciting and sometimes even deliver emotionally, but its main focus is on the performer’s technical abilities. This does not engage audiences much but rather demands from them respect. IMHO I’d rather be giving listeners and auditory experience that they can feel and interpret in their own way. It’s a difference in point of view and attitude. One seems to be taking the other giving.

I don’t believe that improvisation is strictly a mainstream jazz idiom. Improvisation can be utilised in many different ways which have included folk and classical idioms. The audiences we have played for seem to enjoy what we do and are not just “jazz heads”.

There is more of a challenge those who are stuck playing mainstream to step out into the open and try to engage with a wider audience utilizing their advanced skills in a more communicative manner.
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