Buffet Crampon (Keilwerth) Soprano Expression


Buffet Crampon (Keilwerth) Soprano Expression

From Stephen Howard’s website: (http://www.shwoodwind.co.uk/Reviews/Saxes/Alto/Buffet_Expression_alto.htm)
“A pro level horn from the Keilwerth stable under another name”.
“It's an early version of their SX90.”
“I'm left with a favourable impression of the Expression, it's a very capable horn that will have an obvious appeal to players who like a well-rounded, warm sound tonewise- and without the issues that have plagued the SX90R series with its tone hole rings it's likely to be a far more reliable horn.”

I bought this soprano from Woodwind Exchange in Bradford and play tested against Selmer MK VI, SA80 II & III, Buescher, Conn and chose it for the sound.

The sax itself is a beauty, to my ears a great full sound, intonation and tuning are spot on. Lacquer is a little worn in places, a sign it has been well played by the previous owner, no dents or dings and the keywork is all tip-top. From my research the horn is early 90s.

Unfortunately, it is too heavy for me. I have a couple of old rugby injuries, a broken right wrist and right thumb, and just cannot support the weight. It’s too nice a sax to be sitting around not being played!

Comes in original case.

Please ask if you would like any photos and I can send them to you.

I will be back in England on June 22nd, so sax is not available until then.

Price is 1000 pounds and donation will be given to the forum.
I'm pretty sure the one in Steve Howard's review is Rhys' alto.


Greg S.

Not mine but the one I found on eBay and encouraged my bandmate to bid on. The price he paid was a bargain.

I also have a very similar Buffet alto, made by Keilwerth but lacking the 'Expression' name.

I've never played a Keilwerth soprano and this one looks interesting.

Not mine but the one I found on eBay and encouraged my bandmate to bid on. The price he paid was a bargain.

I also have a very similar Buffet alto, made by Keilwerth but lacking the 'Expression' name.

I've never played a Keilwerth soprano and this one looks interesting.


Will this soprano end up in your glass display case.I must say though when i played all JK horns years ago,SX90 tenor,alto,sop the soprano was amazing.Very thick dark sound.I got mine after seeing Courtney Pine.

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