You are doing a fine job,
@AlonW .
This one IMO is a toughfy. Even though it is a very mellow slow ballad, its challenge is in the question and answer, major chord then minor / diminished, etc. On the alto it is in the key of E, but then add accidentals in chord changes with jazz interpretation makes it a challenge.
To me it is like a tonal poem. It's been a while since I practised it, the song is the first one in my Hal Leonard's Jazz Play-Along,
Jazz Ballads, Volume 4. First off, the good is that when I went for my book to look up this song found that I misplaced or lost it. Located a good used copy on the 'bay w/o CD for only $6.50 plus free shipping, makes up for the loss.
You're doing great, we all make mistakes. Plus, your posting this shows others that one does not need to have a recording studio perfect take to post their work. Plus as an advanced player, you inspire others to post their work, too. And, your openness to critique means you are approachable by others.
One thing I've learned is when I've made a mistake, just keep moving. That's how we learn. Plus we learn how to take that mistake and turn it for good. Chances are, when a concert or piece is over, I don't think many people even remember the mistake.
I look back at how I played something 10 years ago, now how I play, there's progress. A muscle doesn't grow without resistance. We grow by practising and playing more challenging pieces.
But the good thing is, we improve with time. That even extends into our elder years, which now I've attained to along with some others here.