Ligatures Bois Ligature

Hi everyone. Some time ago I posted my interest in the Bois lig. and finally got one for my M2 alto. I immediately felt blowing to be easier and freer on a newish and hitherto reluctant reed. Used it for a band blow today and others commented on the sound being preferable to last week using my old Rovner light. The Bois fitted well on my Yani ebonite m/p.
Thought it worth mentioning, especially as it didn`t cost a fortune and didn`t hurt a bit. May be a little snake oil lightly applied here, who knows. I wouldn`t say I felt truly liberated to a new realm of supreme expression and celestial happiness! It just felt a bit better, a bit freer, a bit nicer, so I thought I`d tell someone.
Cheers all, and a great Xmas all round.🙂
Thanks for sharing your experience, Paul! Would you say it was fitted tighter or looser than the Rovner Light thatyou normally use?
I don't particularly like the Rovner Light, excdpt when it is inverted with the metal bits nearer the reed.

Have a Cool Yule, By the way!
Kind regards
Hi Tom. Interesting! I`ve never tried inverting the Rovner, but just have and much prefer it that way! Certainly much better, freer and more open especially in the low register.
I`d say that the Bois advantage is reduced on that basis, but may still have the edge even though I haven`t really tested extensively enough yet to be overly assertive about this. I`ll run through a few different reeds.
I`ve applied the Bois lightly but firmly; pretty much the same as with the Rovner.....they do like it that way!!!

May your Yule be truly cool!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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