R & B, Blues, Soul Blues Brothers - Think - Aretha Franklin - Lou Marini

I've just joined a Blues Brothers band. I must admit to being a bit sniffy about tribute bands generally, but how can you not love playing BB material, and hearing it played well. Having only ever seen the first film, it amazed me the number of great songs that there are to choose from. Also I hadn't realised that the original band did actual live show performances - they are classic - look them up on YouTube. Really looking forward to getting this band going - we just lost Jake and Elwood #1, now auditioning a couple of new guys.
Oh yeah, Shake a tail feather gives a great example of "Bones" Malone on the tenor sax. Any one know who's blowin' the bari?
One of the films I could (and do) watch again and again.

Inspired to some extent by the Canadian blues band Downchild.

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Location: INT. RAY'S SHOP - DAY
The place becomes packed and the rousing rendition of "Shake A Tail Feather" is in full throttle. The number winds up, ends, and everyone is happy. Jake turns cooly to Ray.
JAKE: Okay, man. We'll takes these axes.
Jake puts his arm around Ray's shoulder.
RAY: Naturally, and as usual, I gotta take an I.0.U.
"The Peter Gun Theme" comes in hard and carries us through...
Oh yeah, Shake a tail feather gives a great example of "Bones" Malone on the tenor sax. Any one know who's blowin' the bari?

I am afraid it might be Tom Malone again.... not much info about it, but if you come across Tom Malone discography you will be astonished.
Yeah, it's Bones Malone on bari. Tom Scott was the invisible fourth horn in the movie. And yes, whenever I play Sweet Home Chicago, the first 4 bars of the solo are 100% stolen from the record.

Side note -- Malone has been a mainstay in Paul Shaffer's CBS Orchestra band for David Letterman for quite some time.

I am afraid it might be Tom Malone again.... not much info about it, but if you come across Tom Malone discography you will be astonished.
This movie (and this particular scene) made me decide to play saxophone.
I didn't see this movie until the '90s by which time I was already messing with sax, but if I hadn't already started, I'm sure it would have inspired me to do so.
I saw it when my (then) teenage daughter got a DVD machine. The first two DVDs she bought (I didn't know until she'd got them) were "The Blues Brothers" and "Belleville Rendevous". Good taste for a teenager!

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