Blue Train First Attempt recording

If theres ever a tune that takes me to 1950's Blue note, Sony , Capital ,Rudy Van Gelder etc etc sounding jazz its Blue Train. Sweet version for sure dude. Swinging along with comfort. Cool.
Great stuff! As well as some great playing, the quality of the recording is really good, especially if it's your first attempt :thumb:
Great stuff! As well as some great playing, the quality of the recording is really good, especially if it's your first attempt :thumb:

Thanks ! This is the first time I got a half decent sound - the earlier attempts always sounded like a muffled kazoo! It's a snowball USB mic into audacity. The playalong track is very good and that really makes it easier to get into the tune. Some of the aebersold tracks are dreadful to play along too.
If theres ever a tune that takes me to 1950's Blue note, Sony , Capital ,Rudy Van Gelder etc etc sounding jazz its Blue Train. Sweet version for sure dude. Swinging along with comfort. Cool.

Thanks - nice comments indeed. I like all kinds of players from different eras (Parker, Sanborn, Brecker), but I just can't get into Coltrane. I can appreciate tunes like Giant Steps, but, after 3 mins of that soprano I'm done. :confused:

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