Ligatures best ligature

hi all;well i,ve heard about 1 and 2 screw ligs,rovners,inverted screws til i have started dreaming about them;my wife prodding me in the ribs;whats this about an inverted screw.So i went to the hardware store and bought some "O" rings at the plumbing department.They are a black rubber ring which are slightly smaller than your mouthpiece so they roll onto the mpc.the clarity of tone is fantastic .if you want to move it to the back of the mpc simply roll your fingers and voila.for a bag of 4 different size ones the cost was £1.25.honest try them yourself and let me know your thoughts. mally
hi all;well i,ve heard about 1 and 2 screw ligs,rovners,inverted screws til i have started dreaming about them;my wife prodding me in the ribs;whats this about an inverted screw.So i went to the hardware store and bought some "O" rings at the plumbing department.They are a black rubber ring which are slightly smaller than your mouthpiece so they roll onto the mpc.the clarity of tone is fantastic .if you want to move it to the back of the mpc simply roll your fingers and voila.for a bag of 4 different size ones the cost was £1.25.honest try them yourself and let me know your thoughts. mally

I've seen this suggested before. Sounds like a good idea. Even as a backup, in case the ligs screws go missing...
hi all;well i,ve heard about 1 and 2 screw ligs,rovners,inverted screws til i have started dreaming about them;my wife prodding me in the ribs;whats this about an inverted screw.So i went to the hardware store and bought some "O" rings at the plumbing department.They are a black rubber ring which are slightly smaller than your mouthpiece so they roll onto the mpc.the clarity of tone is fantastic .if you want to move it to the back of the mpc simply roll your fingers and voila.for a bag of 4 different size ones the cost was £1.25.honest try them yourself and let me know your thoughts. mally

If it works for you then your sorted.Seen a couple of guys use elastic bands as ligatures.
Think I've seen a ligature available that is nothing more than a shaped o-ring! Albeit a expensive one!

Having been a hydraulics engineer for many years, I have o-rings in abundance!

The mechanics involved are the same, in as much as they will do the same job and to that end I bet a tight wrap of electrical tape would serve the same purpose, but would you want to?


Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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