Baritone mono stand

Hi, I have a King Super 20 Baritone and, totally un-related, have a back problem so concerned about the weight.
this has started me thinking about detachable peg type stand but haven't been able to locate anything.
Can anyone confirm the 'official' name for such a device or where I might be able to purchase one from. I have various harnesses but need a little extra help froma stand (short term hopefully)
Hi Pazstone.
I think you'll find that Baritones are either made with a peg, or they are not.
I'm not aware that you can get a separated add-on style peg.

You might be able to find a bari stand that holds the bari at mouth level, so you just need to lean forward and play it.
Otherwise, you could try a beer crate with a carpet on the top of it to take the weight?

sorry, not much help.
I can warmly recommend the Jiffy stand...been using one for years in big bands. For heavy low A instruments I wouldn't do sitting-down gigs any other way - and I've had upper and lower back problems, so I'm defensive about this kind of thing.

The only thing about the Jiffy is that the bracket you attach to your already heavy bari makes it slightly heavier.:rolleyes:
I can warmly recommend the Jiffy stand...been using one for years in big bands. For heavy low A instruments I wouldn't do sitting-down gigs any other way - and I've had upper and lower back problems, so I'm defensive about this kind of thing.

The only thing about the Jiffy is that the bracket you attach to your already heavy bari makes it slightly heavier.:rolleyes:

I suppose the best thing to do when it's on is use it

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