Accessories Bari sax pad-saver?

I have not seen pad-savers advertised for baritones. Does that mean using the crook-swab is enough? It's hard to tell if the pads are picking up moisture. I guess I could drop a small child down the bell with miner's helmet and report back to me, but that seems excessive. The kid's parent might complain, too. One of those silk-swab thingies looks pretty useless. Maybe I'm concerned over nothing.
You can get a hodge swab to dry out the pig-tail end of the Bari.
If you think about it, you couldn't easily put a pad saver down / up a Bari as there is a bend in the way at either end.

A friend has a pull through for his Bari - it makes interesting entertainment, watching him turn the sax upside down in an attempt to get the weighted cord round the bend.

Most of the condensation collects at the bottom of the pig tail, hence the release valve.

I just drain my Bari, dry the crook with a small pull-through, and leave it out to dry on the stand.
You can, as Mandy says, use a tenor pull through, but I gave up for the same reason. Pad savers are over hyped IMHO. Just get it as dry as you can and if you have to put it in the case wet, open up/dry at home.
The Lord's Prayer in Cockney................

Hello, Dad, up there in good ol’ Heaven,
Your name is well great and holy, and we respect you, Guv.
We hope we can all ‘ave a butcher’s at Heaven and be there as soon as possible:
and we want to make you happy, Guv, and do what you want ‘ere on earth, just like what you do in Heaven.
Guv, please give us some Uncle Fred, and enough grub and stuff to keep us going today,
and we hope you’ll forgive us when we cock things up,
just like we’re supposed to forgive them who annoy us and do dodgy stuff to us.
There’s a lot of dodgy people around, Guv;
please don’t let us get tempted to do bad things.
Help keep us away from all the nasty, evil stuff,
and keep that dodgy Satan away from us,
‘cos you’re much stronger than ‘im.
Your the Boss, God, and will be for ever, innit?

Cheers, Amen.
I knew you were kidding, Colin. Thought maybe the UK had some sort of weird pad saver inserted from the yazoo of the horn then up through the body. Guess I'm just over-protective of a cement-mixer that's even older than me. So I had to check out the site. Damn! Come to think of it, that's sort of like a colonoscopy! Egad! That's a memory hard to forget. (shudder) Don't ever get old.

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