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I've resolved this summer to pay more attention to my tenor, as I'd been focusing more on the alto until now. When I came to work on it I found I was dissatisfied with the tone. I've been using my original Yamaha 5 piece which was starting to sound a little tame, and a Rico Metallite M5 which after a little struggle with squeaks and shrieks was starting to sound good but perhaps a little too harsh and edgy.
Inspired by Tom M's recommendation of the Bari Esprit II for alto, I decided to splash out the huge sum of £15.70 (postage included) for a Bari Esprit for tenor (maybe I should have waited for the II, but I'm impatient, and, well, at that price ...). It arrived this week and after a few day's playing, I am truly amazed. It seems so much more responsive and controllable than either the 5C or the Metallite. When I want, I can make it smooth and mellow as I like, but when I push a bit more, it feels lively and edgy.
I'm sure I will go back to the Metallite, but possibly not to the 5C, and of course, GAS never sleeps, but for now, I am well pleased with this purchase.
Love it, and recommended for anyone on a budget, or even NOT on a budget.
Inspired by Tom M's recommendation of the Bari Esprit II for alto, I decided to splash out the huge sum of £15.70 (postage included) for a Bari Esprit for tenor (maybe I should have waited for the II, but I'm impatient, and, well, at that price ...). It arrived this week and after a few day's playing, I am truly amazed. It seems so much more responsive and controllable than either the 5C or the Metallite. When I want, I can make it smooth and mellow as I like, but when I push a bit more, it feels lively and edgy.
I'm sure I will go back to the Metallite, but possibly not to the 5C, and of course, GAS never sleeps, but for now, I am well pleased with this purchase.
Love it, and recommended for anyone on a budget, or even NOT on a budget.