Mouthpieces Bari Esprit Tenor Mouthpiece

I've resolved this summer to pay more attention to my tenor, as I'd been focusing more on the alto until now. When I came to work on it I found I was dissatisfied with the tone. I've been using my original Yamaha 5 piece which was starting to sound a little tame, and a Rico Metallite M5 which after a little struggle with squeaks and shrieks was starting to sound good but perhaps a little too harsh and edgy.

Inspired by Tom M's recommendation of the Bari Esprit II for alto, I decided to splash out the huge sum of £15.70 (postage included) for a Bari Esprit for tenor (maybe I should have waited for the II, but I'm impatient, and, well, at that price ...). It arrived this week and after a few day's playing, I am truly amazed. It seems so much more responsive and controllable than either the 5C or the Metallite. When I want, I can make it smooth and mellow as I like, but when I push a bit more, it feels lively and edgy.

I'm sure I will go back to the Metallite, but possibly not to the 5C, and of course, GAS never sleeps, but for now, I am well pleased with this purchase.

Love it, and recommended for anyone on a budget, or even NOT on a budget.
Sounds like a good result. I will have to get the Bari Esprit II if it ever comes out on Tenor. I would certainly rate the Alto version very highly indeed - prefer it to the Fobes Debut, Yamaha 4C, Rico, Runyon 22 & Hite Premier. Only the Windcraft Etude seriously competes with it, to my mind, and is £40+ at Dawkes.

I'll email Bari and see what they say.
Kind regards
I'll email Bari and see what they say.

Did you ever hear anything from Bari Tom?
I got very excited when I read your reviews on both the Alto Bari Esprit II and the Tenor Windcraft Etude and am poised to order them. If they fulfill expectations I might be tempted to put their Alto/Tenor counterparts on my Christmas list for relies! 🙂
Nothing back from Bari I'm afraid! It is a dreadful website and it is virtually impossible to communicate through it - no email address, just a system where you can almost leave a message but neither of my messages have been responded to. None of the websites I regularly visit (online shops etc. have ever mentioned a Bari II in other than clarinet and alto sax). Colin the Bear was going to lend me his Esprit Tenor but heard nothing further so might just buy one and see what I think - and let you know, too.

Kind regards

PS. Just ordered from Ackerman Music at £14.70 inc shipping.
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You know, I was just getting used to my metallite and starting to like it, now you all have made me curious about yet another mpc. Good thing my sax budget shares my smoking budget. With all these mpcs, reeds, and restoring the old man I can't afford to smoke.
Nothing back from Bari I'm afraid! It is a dreadful website and it is virtually impossible to communicate through it - no email address, just a system where you can almost leave a message but neither of my messages have been responded to. None of the websites I regularly visit (online shops etc. have ever mentioned a Bari II in other than clarinet and alto sax). Colin the Bear was going to lend me his Esprit Tenor but heard nothing further so might just buy one and see what I think - and let you know, too.

Ooops. Sorry Tom. I got a bit distracted and didn't get round to sending it:blush:

Kind regards

PS. Just ordered from Ackerman Music at £14.70 inc shipping.

Ooops! Sorry Tom. I got a bit distracted and didn't get round to sending it:blush:
No problem! I could easily have PM'd you to remind you about your offer. This way it saves two lots of postage and I now have a Bari Esprit on Soprano, Alto and Tenor!

Kind regards
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My new Bari Esprit Tenor mpc arrived today - what a lovely piece of kit! I now have the soprano, alto and tenor mpc's and they are all very good indeed (and more comfortable than the Rico Royal mpc's too - I've had sop, alto and tenor!). I'm not surprised that Trevor James has adopted them as stock mouthpieces for their range of saxes.

This morning I've been comparing Tenor pieces (Phil-Tone Equinox, Saxscape Live, and Mouthpiece Cafe House Blend) so was ready when it just came through the post this morning. Compared to several beginner Tenor sax mouthpieces this is ideal for more popular stuff - rock, blues, funk, contemporary and has a less "slippery" sound - plenty of body but lively when pushed. Along with the Windcraft Etude Tenor they are top recommendations, and better than the LaVoz, Yamaha and Rico Graftonite equivalents in my humble opinion. The Bari is ridiculous at only £14.70 inc shipping from Ackerman Music!

Kind regards
I tried the bari esprit for tenor ,as you know, and didn't like it much. Very easy to play with a reliable constant tone throughout the range but a bit thin sounding for my taste. I tried the metalite too, which is one I intend to keep for that certain sound. I have the S80 for tenor and liked that more. I've heard the S80 descibed as blowing through a sock so you know my taste.

I have settled on a vintage lelandais. It's like an S80 on steroids. Two socks.

I would think the esprit would be a good starting point for anyone. It's a simple choice too as it comes in only one lay. Can't argue with the price though. Old fashioned good value.
Hi Colin!

None of the Bari Esprit mouthpieces sound remotely thin to my ears. I used an Alexander DC 2.5 reed with a Marc Jean Ligature. It may depend on your style of playing, reeds, sax or something, but thin does not present as a possibility in my experience.

Lots of love
Does anyone know the tip opening on a Bari Esprit tenor m/piece please? I recently bought a new TJ SR EVO tenor and the supplied m/piece is an easier blow than the Yamaha 5C I used in the shop when I initially tried it. I have had the Esprit on my alto for some years now and do get on well with it. I have emailed TJ asking what tip opening is on the supplied m/p but still waiting to hear
Wow seven years. Do they still make them? If I remember rightly, the alto is 0.065" which is between a yam 4 and 5. Assuming the tenor is in the same range it would be 0.069". Slightly smaller than a selmer C*.
Wow seven years. Do they still make them? If I remember rightly, the alto is 0.065" which is between a yam 4 and 5. Assuming the tenor is in the same range it would be 0.069". Slightly smaller than a selmer C*.
Trevor James emailed me back to say tip opening of the supplied mouthpiece with the SR EVO tenor is 0.085 which I don't think can be right

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