Saxophones Bargain? Looks Awfully like my BW Alto ...

Although branded "Rosetti", I have to say this sax currently for sale on the fleabay looks very, very like my BW Alto. Very similar engraving, same underslung octave mechanism, same "phosphor bronze" appearance. I know appearances can be deceptive, and build quality is not visible in pictures, but hey, current bid is a measly £51.01 with just under 2 days to run.

Could be a really sweet bargain for someone ....
It's a yani copy like the G4m,, bauhaus and several others that I can't just bring to mind. It's been said before that, looks the same doesn't mean it's the same. I suppose it's a bargain. I wonder what sort of service a chinese sax gets?
It was Sonata which was connected with Selmer USA , the model number is even the same (AS700) . Rosetti is just another cheap chinese product (everything from recorders to Euphoniums) . I have one of their sax stands, it`s not as good as the Kinsman which in turn isn`t as good as a hercules etc . this isn`t to say that the sax won`t be good of course but I kinda doubt its a Bauhaus with a different name on .

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