Hi Guys
I wonder if you can help once again. This post is about using Band in a Box for transposing. I used to use the BIAB function of changing the concert key. This allows you to enter a ‘+3’ and provided the backing track and the melody in the right keys to play. This did not affect the lead sheet or how the chords were displayed, and therefore was relatively easy to play, you must remember I am a novice. However when importing some midi arrangements it alters these (especially the drum track) which plays things that spoil the sound, even some of the other instruments do not play properly because of this. I spoke to BIAB support and they said they could do nothing about it.
I therefore set about transposing the music so it would just play normally. So as an illustration, a piece in the key of D would follow the process:
Raise the melody track 9 semitones
Drop the melody by an octave
Change the key to Bb
What happens is playable. However the notation seems to be a mixture of how the notes are displayed for example in one bar it could show Gb and in the next F# or even shown as Gnatural. While I except that Gb probably is the right way of showing the note, is it really good practice to have the same notes shown in both ways? It does make playing a challenge as it can change even in the same bar. Would it be true to say that if the key signature is flattened that notes should be shown flattened.
I wonder if you can help once again. This post is about using Band in a Box for transposing. I used to use the BIAB function of changing the concert key. This allows you to enter a ‘+3’ and provided the backing track and the melody in the right keys to play. This did not affect the lead sheet or how the chords were displayed, and therefore was relatively easy to play, you must remember I am a novice. However when importing some midi arrangements it alters these (especially the drum track) which plays things that spoil the sound, even some of the other instruments do not play properly because of this. I spoke to BIAB support and they said they could do nothing about it.
I therefore set about transposing the music so it would just play normally. So as an illustration, a piece in the key of D would follow the process:
Raise the melody track 9 semitones
Drop the melody by an octave
Change the key to Bb
What happens is playable. However the notation seems to be a mixture of how the notes are displayed for example in one bar it could show Gb and in the next F# or even shown as Gnatural. While I except that Gb probably is the right way of showing the note, is it really good practice to have the same notes shown in both ways? It does make playing a challenge as it can change even in the same bar. Would it be true to say that if the key signature is flattened that notes should be shown flattened.