lets talk about something else for a while.
Reeds, smeeds
I play a Yamaha Allegro YTS 575 Tenor.
It seems to me that the balance point for the neck strap is in the wrong position.
The horn seems to hang away from my body at the top.Probably on about a forty degree angle to the horizontal.
Is this normal.?
For example If I am about to play a high d then I wont have any fingers on the front keys with the left hand apart from the thumb holding the reg key and the palm pushing the d key.
This tends to try to push the sax side ways and out of my mouth.
If the neck ring was mounted higher however then the sax would hang more vertically and be easier to hold in my mouth .
Does any one ever get the neck ring moved to accomodate this or am I doing something incorrect ?
Or is this a common problem with this sax or model?
Picture included.View attachment 1044sorry dont know how to rotate it

Reeds, smeeds
I play a Yamaha Allegro YTS 575 Tenor.
It seems to me that the balance point for the neck strap is in the wrong position.
The horn seems to hang away from my body at the top.Probably on about a forty degree angle to the horizontal.
Is this normal.?
For example If I am about to play a high d then I wont have any fingers on the front keys with the left hand apart from the thumb holding the reg key and the palm pushing the d key.
This tends to try to push the sax side ways and out of my mouth.
If the neck ring was mounted higher however then the sax would hang more vertically and be easier to hold in my mouth .
Does any one ever get the neck ring moved to accomodate this or am I doing something incorrect ?
Or is this a common problem with this sax or model?
Picture included.View attachment 1044sorry dont know how to rotate it

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