Back with a band (sic)

Greetings all,

It must be over a year since I was seriously/regularly active on this forum and a lot has happened in that time. I'm approaching my 2nd anniversary as a wannabe sax player. I started pulling a band together last October and we've been gigging since February and have just added a really good pianist to the mix. I've also just recently had my first 2 stabs at composing jazz tunes so I thought I put up videos from the band's first public airing of them this weekend, starting with the first of them; "She Went Away".

We've barely rehearsed them so the improvisations and endings are work in progress but its a start.

I'm not looking for pats on the back here but constructive criticism for improvement is always useful and appreciated.



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Hey Thomas, firstly welcome back 🙂 No wifi at the mo so can't watch video but life sounds great and you're having fun so good on you 🙂
Thomas you all sound good, perhaps sometimes the guitar is too loud when you are playing the sop. I know all guitarists play too loud haha. Perhaps you could re-arrange tunes so sometimes the guitarist doesn't play or the keys don't play, two chorded instruments can sometimes sound very crowded. Even dare I suggest you let the guitar take a few heads if it means he'll sit out while you use the keys only. Hey, just suggestions not critique. Hope you are well..

Sue, Chris, many thanks both.

Chris, yes I hear you (and the guitar loud and clear). Put it this way, in 14 gigs we've never yet had to ask the guitar to turn it up a bit. We've discussed guitar heads but he doesn't fancy them, however the idea of keys and guitar making way for each other on comping is a good one, although not sure how they'll feel about it, but I'll float it subtly, thanks. We don't arrange the tunes at all but simply follow a lead sheet, pass the solos around on the nod, and make up the accompaniment. My hope is that with time this will equip me and us with enough chops to jam with scratch bands. We do rehearse starts and ends a bit though believe it or not. We just don't stick to what we rehearsed very well yet. Suggestions or critique very welcome and much appreciated, thanks.

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