F Frank Contreras Member 21 Apr 17, 2014 #1 Anyone familiar with this tenor sax make? Any good? Worth buying? Sound? What;s a good price in dollars? Build solid? Anyone with experience with this sax? Many thanks, Frank
Anyone familiar with this tenor sax make? Any good? Worth buying? Sound? What;s a good price in dollars? Build solid? Anyone with experience with this sax? Many thanks, Frank
Colin the Bear Well-Known Member Café Supporter 17,214 Burnley bb9 9dn Level 50yr self taught gigger Apr 20, 2014 #2 I've not heard of the cordera but perhaps this will help http://www.shwoodwind.co.uk/Reviews/Saxes/Tenor/BS_2001_tenor.htm http://youtu.be/xuIMM0e6nGQ If it's and older instrument weren't they weltklang?
I've not heard of the cordera but perhaps this will help http://www.shwoodwind.co.uk/Reviews/Saxes/Tenor/BS_2001_tenor.htm http://youtu.be/xuIMM0e6nGQ If it's and older instrument weren't they weltklang?
kevgermany ex Landrover Nut 21,192 Just north of Munich Apr 20, 2014 #3 B&S followed on from Weltklang. But did a lot of work to improve and modernise the designs. I'm not sure where the Cordera fits in, but it's probably a lot later and better than Weltklang.
B&S followed on from Weltklang. But did a lot of work to improve and modernise the designs. I'm not sure where the Cordera fits in, but it's probably a lot later and better than Weltklang.
altissimo Well-Known Member 3,306 Upper Register Apr 20, 2014 #4 some info here - http://forum.saxontheweb.net/showthread.php?195126-Wolf-Codera-B-amp-S http://pro-music-news.com/html/11/ecodera.htm seems like they're such a rare specialist item that putting a value on it might be difficult.
some info here - http://forum.saxontheweb.net/showthread.php?195126-Wolf-Codera-B-amp-S http://pro-music-news.com/html/11/ecodera.htm seems like they're such a rare specialist item that putting a value on it might be difficult.