Attacks (approaches) at improv soloing

Hey all, this is Aubrianna!

So I've been wondering, what goes through other people's minds when they solo?

I usually start my approach by thinking of the mood I want to give off, sometimes bringing in bits and pieces of the melody of the song, something for the listener to refer back to.

I also try to encorperate: long tones, repeated rhythms/riffs, a pattern, dynamics, accidentals as passing tones, and variations of the theme, such as playing an 8th note run from the song as triplets instead.


Any suggestions?

All help appreciated,

YAS-21 Yamaha Alto Sax.
It depends on what type of music for me. Like for jazz I think of jazz and just think up rhythms and play them. And I do repeat riffs that I think up, just not parts from the song. I figure that you are already listening to the song, so don't give them more of the song, give them you. Give them a original solo 🙂 Also I like to include 3 different octaves in each solo. 🙂

EDIT: Aubrianna knows RAWR's one note solos in Oregon Coast Lab Band.
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So I've been wondering, what goes through other people's minds when they solo?

Very little. Same as any other time.

Eyes wandering over the audience (if there is one) to see if anyone's actually listening - usually not. Wondering if the guitarist is going to butt in before I've finished. Cursing for not getting a refill before starting the second set. That sort of thing y'know.
Very little. Same as any other time.

Eyes wandering over the audience (if there is one) to see if anyone's actually listening - usually not. Wondering if the guitarist is going to butt in before I've finished. Cursing for not getting a refill before starting the second set. That sort of thing y'know.

Yeah, tell me about it! 😡

I just try to find a way of it not sounding like the solo I did last time we played the number.

For instance, by not playing any bum notes....
I try to keep the lyrics running through my brain while trying to find something worthwhile to play. And at all times try to avoid cliches.
(impossible for me). When playing standards it's Ella or Nat King Cole I'm playing over.
I'm in awe of all of you. I'm completely and utterly terrified of improv solos, always was.... what goes through my mind? It's a total blank, and I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack....

There are improv solo bars on the first alto parts I was given for Jazz ensemble.... I passed on them.

The fact that you are brave enough to do this just boggles my mind. Bravo!

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