As Victor Meldrew would say...

... I don't believe it!

I'm waiting to try a used BW tenor, and I knew it had the mouthpiece that came with it. Being a keen learner, I immediately ordered a brand-new Yamaha 4C mouthpiece.

I arrived yesterday, slipped out of my hand onto a desk and took a huge lump out of the tip. So now I'm £30 down with a ruined mouthpiece. I'm currently waiting for the glue to dry, but I have little hope the repair will be any good.

So, has anyone got a Yamaha 4C or 5C tenor mouthpiece they no longer want in exchange for some beer vouchers? I'll have to go used, as I'm already severely down on the deal. :verysad

Happy to contribute at least 5% to the forum if someone can sort me out.


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I think that is fate telling you not to use a Yamaha mpiece...
agreed! plus 1,
something is telling you to get a better mouthpiece to do the sax justice instead of punishing it with a stock yamaha mouthpiece . 😉

when you get sorted i say happy hooting on the BW sax !
PM me tomorrow if you cannot get hold of one. I have several tenor mpcs at home but won't be back until tomorrow. I have the Yam mpc that came with my YTS 62
Thanks for all the replies, guys. For the short term I have got hold of a Bari Esprit, which removes any hurry. The one that came with the sax was nasty!


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