Jazz Art Pepper

Altissimo... You are a man after my own heart... Just saw this....
The only reason I had ago at playing Alto is because of this man....
Have you read his Autobiography " Straight Life" Written in collaboration with Laurie his wife...
Thanks for the link

Aha! So there is life here after all.. I read Straight Life years ago, a good read but a harrowing tale. One of my friends introduced me to Art Pepper, boy what a natural improviser.. There's an album called Blues For the Fisherman that's really good, I think it's crdited to his pianist Milcho Leviev - http://youtu.be/HnzeqfwUy38 and there's always old favourites like Gettin' Together, although I think I prefer his later period after he quit drugs
There's surprisingly little Art Pepper film on Youtube, but there's this documentary that you might like -

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Right on top of it ..... love it all... but had not seen that particular video...
Just missed seeing him here in the late 80's in Perth WA..
I have that doco ... his wife Laurie wanted to make a true doco of his life... but because issues of dramatic licence (like not using his actual playing in the film) It never came about.... Sadly

Cheer for that Altissimo
Just as an point of interest Art has always inspired me ... although that has never lifted me to any way near his levels... the last 8 bars in this months BOTM (infant eyes) that is my subtle tribute to his playing.... :blush:
First came across Art Pepper with his dazzling interjection on the Stan Kenton/June Christie 'How High The Moon'
Never looked back. Recently grabbed the amazing 'Blues for the Fisherman'. A great, great player.
Right on top of it ..... love it all... but had not seen that particular video...
Just missed seeing him here in the late 80's in Perth WA..
I have that doco ... his wife Laurie wanted to make a true doco of his life... but because issues of dramatic licence (like not using his actual playing in the film) It never came about.... Sadly

Cheer for that Altissimo

there's bits of the dramatised version of Art Pepper's life on Laurie's Youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/straightlife/videos?view=0

here's the bit where he records 'Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section' after months of not playing -

I've read that Laurie's gadually releasing lots of live recordings of her late, great husband - not sure where to get them, but a bit of googling may help..
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