Art Pepper!

I started trying to learn Blue Bossa tonight and decided to listen to some versions of the tune on youtube. I was taken with a version by Art Pepper. Ashamed to say iv'e not discovered him before (so many sax players so little time!).

I discovered this wonderful thing too. I'm hooked!

The CD its off is very expensive. Can anyone recommend a few CD's(or vinyl for that matter) to get me started? His autobiography looks pretty good too.
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He is close to being my favourite alto player it's between him and Gerald Albright
When i found him a few years back his style and tone blew me away, awesome. I just trawled YouTube and downloaded his tracks to my phone.
Loads of tracks i love from him My funny Valentine, Ballad of the sad young men, too many to list

I doubt that Art Pepper ever played a bad note, although I've not heard more than a smattering of his recorded output (and his widow is releasing more stuff - ---
It's been years since I read 'Straight Life' - it's a great book, although the stuff about drug addiction and imprisonment can get a bit heavy
Albums worth a listen - Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section, Gettin' Together, Smack Up, Intensity, Straight Life, Among Friends, Winter Moon, Blues For The Fisherman (with Milcho Leviev), The Art Pepper Quartet
have a search on youtube -
I haven't listened to everything he's done but I have yet to find a bad Art Pepper album...
Also check the albums he made in the mid-50s with Chet Baker.

BTW, there's a "7 Classic albums" set, easily found under 11£. Seems like a really good place to start (might order it for myself).
Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section. It's great. Such lovely delicate playing and I really like his sense of swing which is almost straight at times. I've transcribed a couple of his solos off of this album (Red Pepper Blues and Birk's Works), they're so nice to play.
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a few more random bits of Art -
Diane - and Stardust from 'So In Love' 1979 -
Nature Boy from the 'Straight Life' album 1979 -
Lost Life from 'Living Legend' 1975 -
title track from 'Blues For The Fisherman' - 1980 -

there's not much film of Art Pepper, but here's what I can dig up -
Jazz Casual 1964 -
a live version of Rhythm -A-Ning from around 1980 -
Rome 1981 -

and there's this documentary - Notes From A Jazz Survivor -
I've just spent the last few days reacquainting myself with the music of Art Pepper - time well spent - and reading bits of his autobiography 'Straight Life'. The book has a lot about his ruinous relationships, drug addiction, criminal activities and imprisonment and not a great deal about music, although there are some great anecdotes about life on the road with Stan Kenton and recording 'Meets The Rhythm Section' after not playing for several months etc. So probably only suitable for people with a high tolerance of vice and depravity, or a love of dark, gritty american crime dramas - pepper straight life&f=false

Listening to all this music has been an absolute joy, I don't think he was capable of playing badly, no matter how messed up he was.
There's still a lot of his albums I don't know, even more so now that his wife has been releasing live recordings and out takes as well as the box sets of all the Village Vanguard recordings and the other stuff in the archives. I'll be trawling Amazon and ebay once he financial trauma of winter bills and boiler repairs is behind me.

Thanks Nick for reminding me of all this great music :thumb:
I'll defnately get that book then ;-)

Thanks for the links.. working my way through them. Great too see him playing in jazz casual.
His style is very much too my liking.

A couple of Art Pepper Cd's i picked up off ebay arrived today. Living legend and Tete a Tete. will play them on the way home. Put a bid in on some vinyl too!

thanks for the inspiration.
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'Living Legend' I know, I've got it on vinyl somewhere... . His post rehab 'comeback album' with Charlie Haden, Hampton Hawes and Shelley Manne. A deceptively mellow album, no one wastes a single note

'Tete A Tete' I've not heard... yet.. a duet album with pianist George Cables - should be good

if you buy the book, keep it away from children - it's a bit 'adult' in places..

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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