Clarinet Anyone heard of this make at all?


Formerly saxgirl22
Hi All, I apologise if this is in the wrong section. Being a sax player, I play clari too and guess a few of you might do also. Has anyone ever heard of a make of clarinet called 'De Peyer' and the model is 'Bel Canto'? I have one of these and they have a funny barrel on. I spent some time and effort cleaning mine thoroughly the other night and gave it a play. It's a pretty decent sounding clarinet and is well built. It is stamped USA and has serial no's but I don't know much else! I was hoping there might be a clarinet boffin who can tell me more! I will be offering it on the yard sale later as a bargain but would be helpful to know a bit more if possible 🙂
many thanks
oh! poor clarinet 🙁 I get so upset at good instruments going for less than they're worth. eBay is a bit of a minefield I guess and it's pot luck with buying and selling. I've had some real dissapointments off there! but then some real bargains too 🙂

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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