Studies Any suggestions for music books (soprano)


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Cheshire UK
Eternal Beginner

I am diligently working through Learn as you play saxophone by Peter Wastell and it is fine teaching me the fingering and how to read music but I would love to have a go at something I might recognise. Have seen "Tons of Tunes for the beginner" on amazon but it doesn't list the tunes, does any one have this or can you recommend any other books for the absolute beginner with something I might know.


Hi Jeanette, there are lots of books out there. If you have a good local music store start there. You will be able to browse the books page by page to see if you recognise the tunes. Books for the Bb tenor sax will suit you fine. Did you get the CD with the Wastell book?

This is a problem often faced by beginners, especially adult beginners. Sometimes one wonders what made the author settle on pieces for inclusion.

The Peter Wastall book is in my view one of the better ones, and it will be appreciated especially by those who are more interested in classical music. As Jim says, there are lots of books out there, and music shops usually have a reasonable selection of them.

Your options will increase greatly once you make progress on the saxophone. If you are familiar with the grade system, I would say that grade 2 is roughly where the more interesting work begins.
Do a Google search for De-Haske Music Publishers. They used to send me their catalogue and as I recall it contains lots of easy-peasy beginner books. They have all the more advanced stuff as well.

Ask your teacher about the CD. Have fun.

Another good idea is to have a look at the exam syllabuses - these are graded and so once you get an idea where you are, you can use that as a guide to material you might want to try.

I am diligently working through Learn as you play saxophone by Peter Wastell and it is fine teaching me the fingering and how to read music but I would love to have a go at something I might recognise. Have seen "Tons of Tunes for the beginner" on amazon but it doesn't list the tunes, does any one have this or can you recommend any other books for the absolute beginner with something I might know.



Hi Jeanette,
I used Abracadabra Saxophone third edition for alto comes with 2 cd's.
Still use it today as some tracks I like are :w00t:
Walking in the air,Blue moon,Theme from The pink Panther,Summertime etc.

Tony (teebones) :mrcool
I second the suggestion to use the exam syllabus books. I use the ABRSM books, and you can buy a CD for each grade to go with them. They seem very well thought out, and introduce technical challenges as you improve. They have really helped me. Good luck!

Similar threads... or are they? Maybe not but they could be worth reading anyway 😀

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