Saxophones Any Information on Conn 22m


Formerly saxgirl22
Any advice at all on Conn 22M's? I'm trying a tenor tomorrow. It's £325 and has hardly been played throughout its life, it looks great and although I know they are later Conns I am enthusiastic about trying one.

Much appreciated, Thanks
Sorry, never tried one, but they look nice: they look like the Armstrong, ie based on the Keilwerth/Couf design (wide bow, Keilwerth shaped little finger keys and some also have rolled tone holes).
Guess the price is right, just check the usual: tuning, pads, etc.
Have fun and let us know how it plays, I'm sure you'll buy it!

Any advice at all on Conn 22M's? I'm trying a tenor tomorrow. It's £325 and has hardly been played throughout its life, it looks great and although I know they are later Conns I am enthusiastic about trying one.

Much appreciated, Thanks
Nice saxes. I also think Conn Director 22M is related to Armstrong, Couf, Bundy/Bundy Special .... . The sibling in the UMI family was King 662 tenor. All saxes under Armstrong, Conn and King brands were completly made in Nogales, Arizona, USA by UMI. But there is a relationship to Keilwerth. I think The New King tenor (Keilwerth made, my avatar) and the Conn 22M have same bore and taper. I would say that these saxes are intermediate.
What year and where was it made. A few years ago I was given a later model alto and my tech told me it wasnt worth spending the 2-300 bucks it needed....pads and one solder job.

lots of issues on the post 1970 stuff made in Arizona And Mexico? From what I have read they got a little better after they moved back to Elkhart in about 82 but not back to their previous level.
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Hi All, I got it! I was undecided but it was my husband who told me to take it. I tried it and because it has never really been played since its purchase in 1992 there were some issues on the lower notes due to some leaking and dried pads. The pads are not shot to pieces tho and I think it is worth taking to my tech to get them livened up!
The year of manufacture was 1991 according to the s/n list. The chap who owned it wanted to learn sax, he was working in Helsinki and purchased it new that year for the equivalent of £1100. Since then it has been sitting in its case and it looks absolutely brand new and shiny.
The construction of it is basic compared to my Weltklang silver tenor in the sense that there isn't ribbed construction & no rolled tone holes but due to this it is lighter and the action feels reasonably nice.
As it plays at the moment the sound isn't too bad - if anyone has advice on what to put on the pads to revive them I'd be grateful too. I think it just needs to see some use 🙂
My advice is, play it for a couple of weeks and see if it gets any better - instruments that haven't been touched for a while often need a bit of 'playing in'. Anything you treat the pads with will tend to attract dirt and make them more prone to stick, so proceed with caution.
There's some discussion here on the pros and cons of various possible things to try - Neet's Foot Oil, Lemon Oil, Runyon Pad Dope etc -

good luck and enjoy your new instrument

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