Reeds Another day beyond the M25 (WWR in cambridge)


Surrealist Contributor.
Mod Emeritus
My adventurous nature took me again outside the safe boundaries of the M25.
I always assumed that reeds direct was just a warehouse, but they are actually a real shop, Wood Wind and Reed (

My mission was:
1- trying a pair of Hammerschmidt clarinets
2- trying the "nuova" student alto saxophone
3- showing how great Sequoia saxophones are.

Great, professional and welcoming people. I am really impressed.

1- It was not love. Gorgeous instruments. If I had some spare cash they would be with me now, but my Dynamic H pair is in the same ballpark
2- Great student instrument. Distributed by Jupiter, China made, great sound, reliable construction. Hopefully they will keep this standard. Same tuning tendencies as all the instruments at that level: Better with small chambered mouthpieces. Pillinger NYA and vintage HR link sharpish on top (nothing crazy). Absolute ST perfectly in tune. I have not tried any usual square chambered piece.
3- They seem they liked them. I showed my own, now well used, horns. The two guys really know their stuff (serious technicians) and scrutinized the instruments. As predictable, the Soprano caught more interest. Finger crossed for the future.

I've also seen the secret reed-room (moor-deer), where all the reeds are stored.
No surprise they dosame day shipping.

Now the teasing bit:
Marca Reeds American Vintage
Leuthner reeds
(both for tenor)

More to come....
Leuthner reeds,i always thought he only did clarinet reeds,are they being made for all saxes?
Tenor and alto. They will be on their website shortly.
I invested in a box that is too soft for my current piece but plays a dream on my infamous Otto Link NoUSA 11
By the way, I tried the product that is unmentionable on saxophone forums (sorry Pete, but I wanted to try it myself).
With a skeptic, open mind, I must confess I felt a (subtle, unexpected) difference. .
Please let's not get nasty, or I will have to self delete my own posts.

(link is hidden in this very post 😉 can you find it?)
Leuthner reeds,i always thought he only did clarinet reeds,are they being made for all saxes?

I also bought single clarinet reeds. A Leuthner 3 can be a great alternative to Vandoren V12 I now use. I had lot of fun yesterday on a very noisy stage (+ hens' night in the venue)
By the way, I tried the product that is unmentionable on saxophone forums (sorry Pete, but I wanted to try it myself).
With a skeptic, open mind, I must confess I felt a (subtle, unexpected) difference. .
Please let's not get nasty, or I will have to self delete my own posts.

(link is hidden in this very post 😉 can you find it?)

Surely not a L******e?
Whatever works for you! If two or more pieces of various metals help you doing your thing...........

The other day there was a nice program on BBC on the placebo effect and, as I knew from other researches that I’ve seen, it concluded that placebo works as well as medicine.

In fact the trial of some drugs show that their efficacy cannot be proven beyond the placebo’s efficacy. They are equally efficacious.

In other words there is no advantage of drugs over a sugar pill.

The most incredible effect was reached with a new theory and that is that even if the patient knows that he or she is taking a placebo, gets better all the same!

The case was discussed of a Lady whom was, knowingly, given a placebo for her very painful Irritable bowel syndrome, she got better without side effects from a placebo which she knew she was taking.

So, having said this, if you feel that........................................................( write the name of any, one or more, unmentionable sonic amulet of your choice on the dotted line) makes you play better, feel better perform better >:) in whichever way , please, knock yourself out and be my and everybody else’s guest and, by all means, use one or more, at leisure.

Unfortunately, in my case, skepticism is a curse as well as a blessing.

I have had many problems with my health and in a moment of desperation (and because the insurance paid it) I decided to try acupuncture too.

I was transformed in a human porcupine.

The acupuncturist informed me that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, my shoulders ( Neck and hands) problems came from my dysfunctional bowels (despite my regularity) and that he was going to address the problem with a number of treatments comprising many needles in my skull (very painful but extremely efficacious, he said) and very many other meridians in my body, to accelerate therapy he gave me also laser-acupunture using two machines with a total of 20 lasers at the time.

I also got moxibustion to top it all nicely up.

I really enjoyed the relax, the water music and the dim lights. Didn’t enjoy the insertion of the needles in general but in some places (very, very painful) more than others.

After 20 sessions, I hadn’t progressed at all, well, yes, there, during therapy, you felt some things, but of course there was the attention of the therapist and the atmosphere and so on, but improvement? Nada!

So I guess I am not that kind of person, but lots of people are and it works, for them.

SO, if people undergo expensive and painful therapies like that and, against the science odds (see links, don’t open if you are a believer) , get better all the same............who am I to say it doesn’t work?

If you want to use several pieces of metal, oils, screws (plenty of people get screwed in the process of buying a screw), weights, metal hooks............please, do that!
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I strongly believe that a solid silver PPT is the magic bullet that will transform my sound. It's the material, much better than the old fashioned blue resin. I'm so glad to have this confirmed in scientific evedence presented here by Milandro.

Just need a kind soul to send me one on approval. I'll post it back unsullied and insured, honest...
I have had many problems with my health and in a moment of desperation (and because the insurance paid it) I decided to try acupuncture too.

I was transformed in a human porcupine.

The acupuncturist informed me that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, my shoulders ( Neck and hands) problems came from my dysfunctional bowels (despite my regularity) and that he was going to address the problem with a number of treatments comprising many needles in my skull (very painful but extremely efficacious, he said) and very many other meridians in my body, to accelerate therapy he gave me also laser-acupunture using two machines with a total of 20 lasers at the time.

Was the acupuncturist recommended by some saxophone forum member?
I will never be able to sleep again with this image of Porcupine Milandro listening to new age music; it seems like a nasty revenge for some banter of yours.

About the gadget:
The WWR people asked me very competent and focused questions about my Sequoias (and they are considered very competent technicians).
We felt we were speaking the same language.

They asked me if I wanted to try the gadget, they set it up on my soprano and my tenor. I played each one for a while, I removed the gadget and played a bit more.

Did I feel a difference?
Yes, on both instruments.
Does this experiment prove something?
Yes, that I felt a difference.

Then we moved to other subjects....
Hard to tell. If I feel a difference in the instrument resistance, I play differently.

Try to play near a chunk of blue stilton. I am sure you would sound different.

Blue stilton brings back a memory when at the tender age of 17 I spent a summer working in a hotel in the IOW. Serving stilton to a customer he called me back over and told me it was a bit ripe, nearly gagged when I realised it was crawling with maggots. Have avoided the stuff ever since until funnily enough this Christmas when my brother persuaded me to try some with port. Funny how your tastes change 🙂

As for playing the sax near it, my playing is stilted enough😉

About promoting Sequoia, I just received an email from another friend/technician/small seller with an interesting comment:
I do like the fact that they are quite "hype free" although maybe customers are sometimes reassured by a bit of BS !

This forum has the right members to help me hyping up products, with some adjustments.
for example:
sure, solid silver, solid music!
Can become "solid brass, solid music!"
As we all know, Sequoia saxophones are made of 100% solid brass.

Or the whole thread about the "Universal" ligature.
Keep them coming: the market needs you.
About promoting Sequoia, I just received an email from another friend/technician/small seller with an interesting comment:

This forum has the right members to help me hyping up products, with some adjustments.
for example:

Can become "solid brass, solid music!"
As we all know, Sequoia saxophones are made of 100% solid brass.


and we all know the more brass you spend the better the sound will be whether it be sax, mouthpiece ligs or reeds >:)


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