And now for something completely..........

Yes, you are a 'jazz musician' )

Thanks - but you should hear some some of the tracks I DIDN'T post! - the consistency (or range of styles & a whole lot other things) isn't there yet.

Zaphod was a good cat. Unfortunately he had a coming together with a motor vehicle six or seven weeks ago.

Hey, so you aren't a GREAT jazz musician...yet...but it's a start. Many never take those first steps.

And I am sad to hear of Zaphod ...I lost my 18 yo British Shorthair, Cleo about the same time...she was just fading away.
On the contrary Stefan. You demonstrate that you are a jazz musician. You play the tune, you improvise and above all, you stay in key. (It's more than I can do.)

Well done, and keep at it:welldone
Thank you all for the enouraging words for this old dog trying to learn new musical tricks (of which the saxophone is one in itself - but that's the reason I started playing it a bit over six years ago).


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