Am I sad or what? NYE, stripping saxes!

Whilst dribbling over a few litres of Rumtopf:cheers:,(that is so strong) today I have been stripping a sax, my vintage Weltklang! When I recieved it some(about 18 months ago ..a person of ill mind:confused2:, had previously stripped it and sprayed it with shellac- or looked like it, it was ugly- pics below, so I disassembled it and stripped it, put it back together- correctly this time, Yayyy, but it does not work..well it did not anyhow, it needs a couple of springs and I did not notice that a tone hole was slightly out of alignment, even worse is it is rolled tone holes, gutted 🙁

I believe on of my techs can ort it out, but this is the first time I have managed to get it right, first time..must be the Rumptopf! Just thought I would show you all the progress... I done this because any tech would charge me the earth to clean it all up, so I stripped it and re-built it-ready to send off for insane is that!

But it is a beautiful sax and the rarer Full pearl model 😀

Does anyone know if it is an easy job, i know you cannot file them to level them, but the paint was built up with primer filler!- that is why I did not see it at first.





















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Very nice job of stripping and polishing. That takes a great deal of time an effort and you have done it very well. Toneholes can be made level or close to it without filing with judicious lifting of low spots and/or tapping down of high spots. Unless you have put a flat disk on top of the toneholes with a leak light inside you may have missed other toneholes that are not perfectly flat that are less obvious. A good tech can sort this out while doing a repad or overhaul. You saved yourself quite a bit of money by doing this part yourself.
Agree with jbt, but get a pro to do it and make sure up front that they won't file the tone holes.

Another technique is soft pads - not nice, but something to look out for when buying. Also adjusting by packing under the pads, but this is also a bodge.

Sax looks lovely, great job so far!
Actually a very nice way of celebrating. Last year we had a stripper (sorry, burlesque dancer) on stage, but I would have definitely preferred something more saxxy.

The extra rh side key.. F?
I guess top Eb, I've seen it an a BA, once.
Sorry to do this to you Melissa, but you just HAVE to have this one too:

You can go off some people you know😀, there was me thinking I had plenty of spare cash for the new year and now this!:rolleyes: It is not fair to tempt me😉, the seller also has others which are nice... Thank you for the link, it is going cheap too, my last full pearl Weltklang alto sold for £650- though as usual I probably spent that with buying and overhauling.. expensive hobby I guess, I have a rare mental illness you know, I can't stop buying saxes! (amongst the other instruments here)

I would like that one though that odd cup, I wonder why it is all brass?! not to worry, I have a good feeling about it, I can already see it on my wall 🙂
. expensive hobby I guess, I have a rare mental illness you know, I can't stop buying saxes! (amongst the other instruments here)

I would like that one though that odd cup, I wonder why it is all brass?! not to worry, I have a good feeling about it, I can already see it on my wall 🙂

It's a girl thing this need to shop, some buy shoes or handbags much better to buy a pretty sax 🙂

Lovely looking sax Melissa. I wouldn't know where to start. X
It's a girl thing this need to shop, some buy shoes or handbags much better to buy a pretty sax 🙂


I am so glad my wife isn't into saxes,i don't think i could cope with her shopping for shoes,handbags,clothes and saxes.

BTW Melissa you have made a great job of transforming your sax.
😀 But I already have about30 pairs of shoes, about 50 handbags, I only use the one bag ever- and about three shoes plus me wellies :rolleyes: xx

Matching slings for all the shoes you use (I know a guy like this)?
Matching saxophone leather shaped case?
I would just like to know where you find all these interesting saxes I spent years trolling the interweb and very rarely found anything of that sort of quality that wasn't already a fortune to buy, and I mean in any condition they just didn't seem to come up, and the ones that did were already in the high hundreds ....John
Just looked it up and to be honest all this modernisation of old terminology due to internet usage I find to be a pain in the butt and the word was meant in the old usage as an extension of trawling ie using various methods to catch fish or what ever you were after, but thanks for the heads up on its latest reincarnation or misuse of the English language .....John

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