Whilst dribbling over a few litres of Rumtopf
,(that is so strong) today I have been stripping a sax, my vintage Weltklang! When I recieved it some(about 18 months ago ..a person of ill mind
, had previously stripped it and sprayed it with shellac- or looked like it, it was ugly- pics below, so I disassembled it and stripped it, put it back together- correctly this time, Yayyy, but it does not work..well it did not anyhow, it needs a couple of springs and I did not notice that a tone hole was slightly out of alignment, even worse is it is rolled tone holes, gutted 🙁
I believe on of my techs can ort it out, but this is the first time I have managed to get it right, first time..must be the Rumptopf! Just thought I would show you all the progress... I done this because any tech would charge me the earth to clean it all up, so I stripped it and re-built it-ready to send off for insane is that!
But it is a beautiful sax and the rarer Full pearl model 😀
Does anyone know if it is an easy job, i know you cannot file them to level them, but the paint was built up with primer filler!- that is why I did not see it at first.

I believe on of my techs can ort it out, but this is the first time I have managed to get it right, first time..must be the Rumptopf! Just thought I would show you all the progress... I done this because any tech would charge me the earth to clean it all up, so I stripped it and re-built it-ready to send off for insane is that!
But it is a beautiful sax and the rarer Full pearl model 😀
Does anyone know if it is an easy job, i know you cannot file them to level them, but the paint was built up with primer filler!- that is why I did not see it at first.




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