SOLD on Cafesaxophone Altos for sale

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Elementary member
Berkshire, UK
Martin Imperial circa 1965 - near perfect condition, with Martin case. Serviced about nine months ago and been it it's case since then. Not needed

£400 ono plus delivery

Roy Benson - AS202A - antique finish in mint condition with case. Near perfect condition. See Roy Benson site for photos £200 ono plus delivery SOLD

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Put the camera up for sale and get yourself a nice easy starter sax! Hours and hours of fun and frustration! There are plenty for sale in the USA and some great makes as well..!
The upside down m/pc is the classic geezer who bought it at a boot fair and is trying to flog it on ebay thing..
.. clearly a gent of the quality and discernment of Prf J is employing subtle irony here...🙂
Right.....I had better buy another mouthpiece as this one just doesn't allow me to bend a note!

Price drop to £'s immaculate. A lovely player.


  • martinII6.JPG
    88.1 KB · : 133
I really like the Martin alto, but my wife has given me the choice between another saxophone, or a original 63 Hofner 500/1 bass, it really is a tough choice.

Get the bass
1:- it`ll only go up in value 2:- The bass is solid in your repertoire and the sax mybe a flash in the pan 3:- they`re harder to come by than Martin Altos at the right price
This isn`t to squit on Prof's sale m in fact I`m amazed that Martin is still here but those basses are like pre-CBS strats, original Gibson 335s etc , you only usually get one chance to own one
This isn`t to squit on Prof's sale m in fact I`m amazed that Martin is still here but those basses are like pre-CBS strats, original Gibson 335s etc , you only usually get one chance to own one

If only ProfJames had put the Martin up for sale before the wife bought me my birthday present I would of probably gone for the Martin over the Yanagisawa, and I never think of resale value when I buy an instrument, I buy them for the enjoyment they bring, I don't sell instruments for a living, nor do I work in a music shop, I do however own a couple of Gibson 335's and 355's, and pre CBS Fenders - my first guitar was a pre CBS Fender Strat

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