I have a beautiful Beaugnier Vito alto sax which I am playing with a Francois Louis Spectruoso A225 and Rico jazz select 2.5. More than any piece I have played this has given me the most expressive and complex mid to high notes. However the low notes - C and below - do not speak as easily. I realised this dramatically when I put on a plain old Yamaha 4c today. The mid and highs were ok - surprisingly good really - but nowhere hear as good as the FL. But the low notes boomed out - sounded great! I don't want to go on a big ebay spree to find the mythical perfect piece, and I live in the far deep dark southwest - even John Packers in Taunton is a stretch. Any ideas? I know it's the player not the piece - but the test with the Yamaha showed that the right piece for the right horn can give you a big head start. Griff has got something for me to try but anyone else got ideas?
Alternatively are there good low note exercises I can try. The FL is such a good piece it would be a shame to sell.
Alternatively are there good low note exercises I can try. The FL is such a good piece it would be a shame to sell.