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Saxophones Alto or not?

Jeanette, you haven't mentioned whether the "tennis elbow" is in the right arm or left. If it is the right arm that has the problem, then switching to a saxophone that uses a neck strap to support the weight rather than the right thumb, wrist, and forearm might be the solution.

I had that problem in my left arm, not from playing sax but from years of painting, drywall taping, and carpentry. Eventually I had to have it operated on. The recovery was quite slow, but it solved the problem.
I asked the surgeon just before the operation if afterward I could play the violin, and he scowled at me, "Do you know how many times I have had to listen to that stupid joke?" Oops. . . . Maybe that had something to do with my long, painful recovery from the operation.

Lol, yes it is my right elbow :)

Thanks @jbtsax

I have another question, as I play with an orchestra with strings playing Bb sax means sometimes I have a lot of sharps to contend with will there be less with an alto?

If you play Eb instruments you get used to sharp keys. I think the saxophone is designed for and likes sharp keys. I struggle with flat keys. I hate Ab on alto but don't mind it on tenor. Any more than 4 flats is purgatory for me. It's all just practice but I don't seem to visit Db much and I can't even think in Gb. F# maybe, on a good day, with no bar available.
To Alto or NOT To Alto, is that the question?
Embouchure would stay in the upper range better.

With it being the right elbow with a possible repetitive stress thing going on (aka mouse elbow?) a regular neck strap wouldn't help.
Could modify a jazz sax holder. Come off the bottom brace with a wooden or plastic rod to connect to the strap ring. Just need it to be about the right distance and would take 90% of the weight off of the elbow.
If your first choice is soprano, stay with it but get a curvy. You will hear more of what you play than with a straight sop and the strap takes the weight. I bought a Jericho curvy sop last year and find it light and easy to play, amazing value. Mainly I play tenor but the sop is more portable and can hide in a corner.
The sax player in a group I play with teaches classical sax at a conservatoire, directs a big band and plays hot jazz at high speed (I'm trombonist in that band). He used my Jericho to record with, leaving his Selmer sop in its case!!! Says he prefers it.
If your first choice is soprano, stay with it but get a curvy. You will hear more of what you play than with a straight sop and the strap takes the weight. I bought a Jericho curvy sop last year and find it light and easy to play, amazing value. Mainly I play tenor but the sop is more portable and can hide in a corner.
The sax player in a group I play with teaches classical sax at a conservatoire, directs a big band and plays hot jazz at high speed (I'm trombonist in that band). He used my Jericho to record with, leaving his Selmer sop in its case!!! Says he prefers it.

This might be the way to go thank you :)

Be careful before you switch to curved sop. Your finger position is higher which will mean that you must flex your elbow more reducing the angle at the elbow in order to raise the position of the fingers. I would certainly borrow one to try first or you may even exacerbate the problem.
Ignoring the weight issue I always feel most comfortable playing bari.

Regards Al
If you are not using saxholder and taking weight still on thumb, that could be the area to change. i have very short thumbs and this is nightmare always. I rest my thumb on that key just above it on the back -[ F# ?] - on the actual pad cup. Am thinking of getting the thumb rest position resoldered in more comfortable position. The thumb rest hook isn't about taking the weight but locating the thumb consistently
but you can't be daft enough not to use saxholder harness? I do a lot of gardening and would not strim and use brushcutter without harness that straps over both shoulders. Simples.
Thank you all for your responses and to those that have sent messages offering to lend me altos/curved sops. I will chat it over with my tutor.

I am concerned that it might be as much about the angle of my arm as the weight in which case an alto wouldn't totally solve the problem. However I am liking then idea of trying one any way :)

Am a little concerned that the curved sop would feel too small as I know when I tried the alto it felt very strange having played only a straight sop.

I'll let you know how I go on.

on a curvy, the keys are in the same position as a straight one, the only diff is the bell angle, I find the curvies handle better as even without a strap , the balance / centre of gravity is a lot better - I had to sell the Straight bronze Elkhart deluxe I had because of severe thumb pain, no such issue with the Curvy even without a strap.
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thanks for considering my alto which has sold to another member :)

I use a curved soprano (with a saxholder) because I love curvies and because of my shoulders and other bits and bobs not working the way they could.

Highly recommend the Bauhaus Walstein curvy
thanks for considering my alto which has sold to another member :)

I use a curved soprano (with a saxholder) because I love curvies and because of my shoulders and other bits and bobs not working the way they could.

Highly recommend the Bauhaus Walstein curvy

Thanks Milandro, I am going to borrow an alto first and see if it helps, I'm pleased you sold yours. I am a strong believer in fate so I guess that one wasn't meant for me :)

Get an alto and learn how to play it without using your RH thumb. It should fall naturally in place.

Well I've borrowed an alto and have just got a jazzlab saxholder which is much more comfortable than the neck straps I tried. Not sure I've got it right yet though as it doesn't feel quite comfortable, I'm not sure I've quite got the angle of the neck right when I'm playing :confused:.

Certainly seems to be helping elbow pain though. Will see what tutor has to say next Tues.


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