Well my tennis elbow is improving but not helped playing sop so am wondering whether to buy an alto as I hope a strap will take the weight. Though I guess as advised previously I could play sop sat down and resting it on my knee.
I had a hankering for a tenor a while ago but when I tried one didn't take to it and was advised that if I bought it I should put the sop away and concentrate on tenor which at the time I wasn't willing to do.
I did also try an alto but wasn't really looking for one so didn't spend much time with it. I recall thinking it felt a bit squashed (for want of a better description) but that's probably because I play a straight sop.
At the moment putting the sop away and playing alto is better than playing nothing but bearing in mind I have not yet mastered the sop will playing alto confuse me more. Tenor seemed a good idea as it too was Bb.
Perhaps I would get a better tone from alto as sop still leaves a lot to be desired to my ears anyway.
I have an eye on Milandro's alto here would that be a good choice for a beginner (even after 3 yrs I still consider myself a beginner) especially as I don't want to do what I did with sop and buy a cheaper horn to upgrade later. I will never use it professionally only as an amateur with a local orchestra but want a reasonable horn 🙂
Any advice would be appreciated.
I had a hankering for a tenor a while ago but when I tried one didn't take to it and was advised that if I bought it I should put the sop away and concentrate on tenor which at the time I wasn't willing to do.
I did also try an alto but wasn't really looking for one so didn't spend much time with it. I recall thinking it felt a bit squashed (for want of a better description) but that's probably because I play a straight sop.
At the moment putting the sop away and playing alto is better than playing nothing but bearing in mind I have not yet mastered the sop will playing alto confuse me more. Tenor seemed a good idea as it too was Bb.
Perhaps I would get a better tone from alto as sop still leaves a lot to be desired to my ears anyway.
I have an eye on Milandro's alto here would that be a good choice for a beginner (even after 3 yrs I still consider myself a beginner) especially as I don't want to do what I did with sop and buy a cheaper horn to upgrade later. I will never use it professionally only as an amateur with a local orchestra but want a reasonable horn 🙂
Any advice would be appreciated.