Reeds Allergic reaction to all reeds including synthetic on lower lip

Hi all,

I have been playing the tenor sax for about 19 years and about 6years ago developed an allergic reaction to the reed. I then had allergy testing done (which was inconclusive) but I switched to synthetic reeds. This fixed the problem until recently. I have used many different brands including bari & legere. I have now started to develop the same symptoms again even with a synthetic reed. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could do?
No idea. I'm interested, cos I suspect my son may have a similar problem on his clarinet.

Is it a red/sore patch on your lower lip just where the reed touches? Maybe goes as far as bleeding?

We got some relief using cold sore plasters. Compeed seems to be a universal brand, but there are alternatives available for 1/3rd the cost.
Which begs the question - are you sure it's an allergic reaction? Do you get the same reaction if you just put the reed on its own in your mouth?
Which begs the question - are you sure it's an allergic reaction? Do you get the same reaction if you just put the reed on its own in your mouth?

Hi Thanks for your queries. I believe it may simply be a reaction to the friction of the reed on my lip. It can get to the point of bleeding. I think that the synthetic reeds are less abrasive and as such caused less of a reaction to my lip. I will also try some new plastic reeds as my current reeds may have been contaminated in some way.
Yes my problem does sound similar to your sons. My lip will weep and have puss to the point of bleeding. It is not just a matter of discomfort. In terms of synthetic reeds they last a lot longer and easily pay for themselves. I did early on try using some cold saw medicine to - however this didn't as I recall solve the problem.
No idea. I'm interested, cos I suspect my son may have a similar problem on his clarinet.

Is it a red/sore patch on your lower lip just where the reed touches? Maybe goes as far as bleeding?

We got some relief using cold sore plasters. Compeed seems to be a universal brand, but there are alternatives available for 1/3rd the cost.
Have you consulted a dermatologist?


Although dermatology is the least certain of the medical sciences ( the mantra is try this and come back in two weeks times and we'll see what happens........ once I asked for the reason of a certain problem and the doc said: " We are not yet sure that it is of viral or psychosomatic origin......" ?1?)

It is, nevertheless the first place one should go to tackle a problem with something like this. Health , I am afraid is not one of the things that works very well with DIY

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