
Sorry>:) but I couldn't resist having a play through this tune earlier today:w00t:

Nicely in tune and accurate Chris.
This is a favourite of mine and engrained in my musical memory, although I cannot play it nearly as accurately as you did!
I always hesitate to comment on others' performances, but ...
I'd respectfully suggest that you watch and listen to Cilla's definitive version, at
to get a better feel for the phrasing and occasionally quite long pauses.

(I also think that it sounds better on alto, possibly because of Cilla's much higher pitch 🙂 )
Ian, thanks for listening and the comments. I'd been listening to Stan Getz playing it this morning and thought, why not?😀

Rogerb, you should always call it as you hear it. Like I said to Ian I'd been listening to this version this morning There is no YouTube video, but I found it on Myspace.. I don't know whos page it is?? I have it as part of a bigger collection. Cilla's is probably the definitive version as you say, but I like tenor so this was the one for me.. Thanks for listening and replying..

Thanks, Chris, for a gracious response.
I have now listened to the SG version ... lovely 🙂 His version, with lots of high register, really sings like Cilla! (I hope that doesn't insult either of them!!)
I just have difficulty with songs, which started-out with lyrics, subsequently being re-phrased (for want of a better word) so that the words (in one's head) don't fit the music ... sometimes an instrumental version misses-out a note which corresponded with a word in the lyrics, and that really winds me up!! Silly, innit!
I'm not including, of course the twiddly bits where the instrumentalist goes off on one ... that's jazz 🙂 Stan Getz remains, IMO, quite faithful to the original phrasing of the lyrics, and just adds his own wonderful ornamentation.
(He was my teacher's role-model ... playing-wise, I have to add, not in his lifestyle!)
Love this song,i done a couple of versions last year.The film is 1 of my all time flicks.The grim North east back then.Alot has changed.Always steady and a full sound.Nice job.
Did you know that Sonny Rollins did the incidental music for the Michael Caine version? It's quite subtle.
My teacher recounted a story from one of the session musicians, that Sonny turned-up at the last minute, with no sheet music ... just said "It's gonna go like this..." , played a bit, and they took it from there!
Did you know that Sonny Rollins did the incidental music for the Michael Caine version? It's quite subtle.
My teacher recounted a story from one of the session musicians, that Sonny turned-up at the last minute, with no sheet music ... just said "It's gonna go like this..." , played a bit, and they took it from there!

Did you know he wrote the score for the film when he was sleeping in Ronnie Scotts office after his gigs that week.All buy his self blowing away in Frith st.Legend he is,seen him twice live.AMAZINGGGGGG.Will treasure them thoughts.

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