Saxophones Advice sought re Jupiter Soprano Sax


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Cheshire UK
Eternal Beginner
I am presently renting a fortissimo sop and was considering going to look at a BW in the near future to buy but have just been offered a jupiter (547?) for £300, described as a few years old, pads, springs ok, in need of neck cork replacing which would be done along with a look over by a tech.

I'm not sure I know enough to recognise a good/bad instrument which is why I was going for new but this seems a reasonable price compared to new.

What are your thoughts?


Hi Jean!

My main thoughts are:

I've never heard anyone praise/comment on a Jupiter Soprano Sax, but Alto and Tenor have had some positives said about them.

There are lots of positive comments about the Venus Soprano saxes - on Sax On The Web for example and a thread on Cafe Saxophone also. At £200 new it isvery good value.

The John Packer range is only £400 new and has received high praise. have a straight BW soprano at £478 new.

I've never played a Jupiter soprano myself so cannot offer actual experience - the above is simply what I am aware of.

I hope this helps. I'll do some more online searches to see if I can share anymore light on your query.
Kind regards
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Hi Jeanette,

My first sax was a used Jupiter alto, purchased for about the same amount, and it was a very decent sax. I did get it from a local music shop, however, after it had just been serviced by their tech. It maybe worth getting someone to have a look at it for you before buying though, if thats possible.
I think they are good. But I didn't like the original mouthpiece. It's a one-piece soprano. £ 300.00 is good price. My saxtech thought it was an easy soprano to work on.

My wife's Jupiter flute is really well made, and it's an entry model. No problems in 12-3 years that weren't self-inflicted, although some of the pads are now worn out. One key was awkwardly positioned, but a quick visit to the tecchie soon had that adjusted.

I haven't seen one of their saxes, but if it's as well made as this flute, I'd buy it without hesitation. The new neck cork/tech check out should sort out any worries you have about checking it yourself.
I am presently renting a fortissimo sop and was considering going to look at a BW in the near future to buy but have just been offered a jupiter (547?) for £300, described as a few years old, pads, springs ok, in need of neck cork replacing which would be done along with a look over by a tech.

I'm not sure I know enough to recognise a good/bad instrument which is why I was going for new but this seems a reasonable price compared to new.

What are your thoughts?



Hi Jeanette,

I used to have a Jupiter soprano and it was a 547 model. I bought it second hand in the early 1990s so I reckon it could have dated from the late 80s. Jupiter and other Asian sax makers have made improvements to their horns since then.

My Jupiter was OK for a starter soprano, but not up to the standard of the better beginner saxes nowadays, like the BW.

I sold my Jupiter to a member of the Sax Cafe last year and charged £150 which I thought was a fair price.


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