A teacher helps so much!

Hi everyone!
I have been learning on my own for slightly over 2 months, and today I just had my first lesson with a proper saxophone teacher. He covered the very basics with me, and found out that I have been practicing with my ligature the wrong way round :shocked:

In addition, he gave me proper advice about my posture, tested my horn and adjusted my crook. Usually, I'd have a mild pain in my left thumb, but after the adjustments, I was able to hold the saxophone in a much more comfortable manner.

I'm looking forward to using the advice given. Happy tooting folks!

There's no doubt having a teacher early on can prevent one from picking up many bad habits that could take months or even years to correct.

Plus its really nice to bounce ideas of a real person that knows what they are talking about. I throughly enjoy my lessons each week 😀

Have fun!

I just had my first lesson with a proper saxophone teacher. He covered the very basics with me, and found out that I have been practicing with my ligature the wrong way round
When i first started having lessons, and changed teachers after maybe 6 months the very first thing the new teacher spotted was that my ligature was the wrong way round:shocked:.
So the first teacher was good then 🙂)) 🙂)) 🙂)) Did you ask for a refund? >:)
Well what happened was when i first decided i wanted to learn the sax i went to the local music shop who gave me a list of local teachers, so i went through the list until i found one that was prepared to teach me, anyway i started going to this lady who i can remember telling me that she was only able to teach to grade 5, this at the time dident make any alarm bells ring as i wasent familiar with the grading system.
So anyway i just did what she asked, and do you know i never heard her play a single note the whole time i was going to her!!! the first nail in the coffin was when i, quite by accident gave her a ten pound note instead of a twenty, anyway on the drive home i recived quite a nasty call to say i was trying to short change her and would i get some more money to her asap, i told her i would bring an extra tenner next week, she wasent happy! anyway after the next weeks lesson she sent me home with a book on learning to play the Trumpet!!!! i actuarly learnt to play the Trumpet some thirty years prior to this!! so i'm affraid she was toast!

My current teacher is brilliant, 75 years old and been playing since he was 17 in the Army, he's as much a friend as a teacher, sometimes i'm there for 3.5 hours:shocked: a tru gent.

But back to the op, yes a teacher is vital, no matter how good you think you are, little things like using the bis key, which i wasent shown by the first lady, embouchure, tone control and production etc, you just cant do it if you you dont know about it can you?
Mine is a lady teacher ... [It's hard to concentrate sometimes] ...

She is brilliant ... She really pushes me and makes me work really hard ...

Which is what I really need. [Focus, Structure and discipline] ... :shocked:

I enjoy the duets ... and the fact that she is a real player ... :w00t:

She is always off to a gig somewhere ... :mrcool

Someday I hope to be able to play as naturally as she does ...
That's quite a tale, sir Jarvis! I can't wait for my next lesson - it's in a month though, my teacher's real busy >.> Thankfully he's got lots for me to work on. Hopefully I can reach the next level before class arrive 😀

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