A Few Questions for You!

Hi Guys,

1... I have a Martin "The Martin" tenor (1955) that deserves a complete A1 overhaul & repad. I live near Birmingham so a technician on my doorstep would be a great advantage.

So, who do you recommend to do this work for me?

2... I also have a Buescher Aristocrat Series 1 tenor (1939) It has Snap-in Pads, Norton Springs etc & is in pristine condition, 99% lacquer, no dents or dings. About 2 years ago it was completely overhauled & repadded by Roger Price.
I'm thinking of selling this horn as I'm still not comfortable using the LH cluster keys.

Where is the best place to sell it & what ballpark price can I expect this instrument to sell at?
3... Or do I sell both saxes & buy something more modern, if yes, what make & model tenor would you recommend?
I look forward to your replies.

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I can only help you with question 1 I'm afraid. Alex Preston He's in Coventry, so not a million miles away. I can't say how good he is as he's only replaced a spring for me. I have to say though it was a little tricky as the old stub didn't want to come out. However, he didn't charge me much. He's a member on this site although I've not seen him on here recently.
My teacher has his MkVI serviced by a repairer somewhere in The Midlands and swears by their work...and prices.
(Something like 'Midlands Wind' ...but I can't recall exactly)
He's away, but I can ask him when I am next in contact if you wish.
My teacher has his MkVI serviced by a repairer somewhere in The Midlands and swears by their work...and prices.
(Something like 'Midlands Wind' ...but I can't recall exactly)
He's away, but I can ask him when I am next in contact if you wish.

It may be what was MIR midland instrument repair,I think they are still trading under a different name ?? Charlie Connolly as the main man.i am sure someone will get the full details to you very soon:welldone
Good luck Birdman
I would also renovate The Martin. I think Martins are very good. I don't say they are best, they just fit my personality and I feel good playing on them. If you are going to repad make sure that the new pads are thin, 4 mm or thinner, and that the keyheigts are sat low. If you can play the sax (with your ordinary mouthpiece) during regulating of the keys, I think your Martin will be even better. A modern type of pad like Martin Chanu with plastic or metal resonators makes Martins a little more contemporary.


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